
Bitcoiners Are Not Utopians [Aleks Svetski]

“It’s not and never was about equality or perfection. It’s about fairness and consequence. Bitcoin is “Responsibility go Up” technology.” – Aleks Svetski The principles and rules of Bitcoin do not establish utopia, they do not create a perfect equality for all participants, instead it creates fairness and enforces equal responsibility on all who use…

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Digital Alchemy, A Post-Mortem of the Crypto Crash [Lyn Alden]

“Several exchanges in the industry fuel bubbles for a quick buck as well. If something starts to get momentum, including meme coins like DOGE or SHIB that don’t realistically have a substantial future, they promote those coins to their users, which can suck retail investors into buying the bubble top. Plus, a lot of YouTube…

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The Cascading of Interconnected Risk [Marty Bent]

“This created a ticking time bomb with a very short timer. That money was going to “work” in completely artificial markets that were being driven by pure central planning insanity instead of actual fundamentals. As everyone and their mother who had excess cash was shoveling it into financial and real estate assets, global supply chains…

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Guy’s Take #55 – On the Economics of CTV Batching, & Where I was Wrong

So what exactly did I get wrong in Guy’s Take #54, and why? Let’s dig back into the economic of CTV and transaction commitments, to clear up what I was misunderstanding around unrolling large batch transactions and who pays the cost of doing so. Are the incentives aligned or not? We discuss in today’s Guy’s…

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Riding the Lightning Network [Sam Callahan]

“Despite all of these constraints, the free market finally provided the competition these incumbent banks so desperately needed. Bitcoin and the Lightning Network have arrived to show the world that we finally have the technology available to bring cheap global payments to everyone in the world.” – Sam Callahan Today we dig into the absolute mess of differing standards, wall gardens, high fees, jurisdictional conflict,…

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Cry Harder [Francis Pouliot]

“Bitcoin is a lifeboat on the sinking fiat ship. Lifeboats on a sinking ship don’t need a marketing department.” – Francis P. As New York puts a ban on Bitcoin mining in the state, as the white house decides it’s going to come up with “Bitcoin mining policy guidance,” it seems like a good time…

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On Impossible Things Before Breakfast [NYDIG]

“The reverse of that process – a so-called “death spiral” – was inevitable. Any time the immeasurably over-levered global fiat monetary system, for whatever reason, experienced one of its periodic external shocks that skyrockets immediate demand for actual US dollar liquidity, UST investors would demand USD liquidity faster than the brittle and fundamentally flawed Terra…

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Price Deflation & The Horrors of Falling TV Prices [Kyle Ward]

“Given two competing views of the world, the state will always promote the one that increases its power to extract wealth from its citizens. The choice between inflation and deflation is an easy one. Deflation empowers the citizen by allowing her modest savings to purchase more goods over time. Calling for inflation empowers the state…

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No, We Are Not Going to “Tokenize Everything” [Niko Jilch]

“The whole tokenize-everything-thing so far is one fast hype train. It is exciting not for the technical efficiencies it may provide but for the exact opposite: rent seekers seeking rent. Actually, between the lines, some projects seem to suggest to everyone: “You, too, can be a rent seeker.” – Niko Jilch Check out the original…

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The State of Lightning – Part 2

“What the Internet has done for information, Bitcoin and the Lightning Network will do for money. ” – Elizabeth Stark Finishing the amazing report from Arcane Research on the state of the lightning network and development ecosystem. Covering the development path, the major players in the space, and the nation states beginning to pay attention and…

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