

"We're basically at a fork in the road. I think that there's a good chance we go the wrong way and you end up with a situation like China. We need to build these tools that serve Liberty and not tyranny. And we need to design these systems correctly. And then on top of that,…

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Ai_023 – The Promise of Personal AI

How close are we to realizing the dream of personal AI? Dive into the potential of small, efficient AI models that enhance our self-awareness and improve our lives without compromising our privacy. Could these advancements lead us to a future where we not only manage but truly own our data, understanding ourselves better than any…

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Ai_022 – Applying Ai

How can AI be harnessed to manage and enhance personal and professional digital interactions more effectively? In this episode of "AI Unchained," explore the essential tools and concepts needed to apply AI in self-hosted environments, navigate the intricacies of vector embeddings, and integrate AI seamlessly into your digital workspace. What modular approaches and AI skills…

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Ai_021 – Ai Hardware & the Next Wave

In today's episode of AI Unchained we dive into a plethora of new developments in Ai tailored hardware, the scope of what leaps in performance and capacity we may see in the next year, what it means for open source, how to access your local run Ai from anywhere with the Pear Stack, and yet…

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Ai Read_006 – How (Actually) Open AI Wins

"As I see it, humanity is at a turning point where we must either embrace a small handful of totalitarian super intelligences or move AI to the edge, allowing a wide diversity of machine intelligences to flourish in cooperation with an equally diverse set of human intelligences, forming a truly decentralized hivemind. Fortunately, there’s mounting…

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#20 – Instability Ai & Commoditized Intelligence

Today we delve into the leadership upheaval at Stability AI, Apple finally putting their cards on the table, the breadth of tools available for image and video generation, more ways to use LLMs to build micro apps, the release of numerous new models, and highlighting broader trends in the AI industry that may be rising…

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Read_811 – Speaking Freely

"You have to decide how to move forward. You have to decide what game you want to play; how much responsibility you are willing to shoulder. Do you want to stay stuck in the machine? A machine that uses and abuses you? A machine that feeds itself by extracting and devouring your time, attention, and value? Or do…

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Chat_095 – The Fall of the Fiat Empires with Preston Pysh

Guy Swann and Preston Pysh explore the dramatic shifts in global finance and the pivotal role of Bitcoin amidst rising inflation and the banking sector's vulnerabilities. They discuss how Bitcoin's growing influence could recalibrate financial power dynamics, offering a stark contrast to traditional economic mechanisms prone to manipulation and control. How might Bitcoin's ascent challenge…

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Guy’s Take_082 – Fiat Replacement Theory

Fiat money has a collection of malincentives and consequences for the degrading and rotting of society. As we covered in the first part of this series, it leads to mindless consumerism and a more materialist culture. As we continue, I want to cover something else that it does by stealing the value of our savings…

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Read_810 – Censorship in America

"The mechanisms enforcing this modern censorship are not confined to private sectors or individual platforms but are significantly directed and influenced by the U.S. government itself. This intertwining of state powers with censorship activities marks a troubling departure from traditional American values, where free speech has been held sacred." ~ Dr. Joseph Mercola The troubling…

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