
#017 – From Closed AI to Open Source with NVK

The only way to protect yourself from closed, surveilled AI tools, is to use the open and private alternatives. When NVK couldn't find them, he decided to build them. begins to realize the potentially for open source LLMs to compete with ChatGPT and make use of unique means to fine-tune and leverage vectorized data…

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Read_804 – The Past, Present, & Future of Offline Payments

"It might feel as if the promised future is perpetually out of reach, but building Lightning is a lot like climbing a mountain. Climbers never really see the summit until they’re standing on top of it. They often can’t even see over the next ridge. Planning the ascent is important, but most of the time…

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Read_803 – Inflation in a HyperBitcoinized World

"Izzy said there could be inflation in a hyperbitcoinized world. And she's right. Calm down, maxis, calm down! Explaining why this is true sheds light on yet another of Bitcoin’s quasi-magical properties and paints our hyperbitcoinized future an even rosier shade of orange. This is good for Bitcoin." ~ Allen Farrington This may seem crazy,…

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Chat_093 – P2P Payments for the World with Roy Sheinfeld

"I'm super confident that lightning is not just the present but also the future of lightning. It is the interoperability layer between all things Bitcoin." ~ Roy Sheinfeld What is the future of the lightning network and how is it transforming the Bitcoin ecosystem? Today we take a journey with Roy Sheinfeld of Breez, diving…

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#016 – Video AI Breakthroughs Already in 2024

"By the end of 2024, everyone will have tools easily available to them that will allow them to create any video they want by simply typing in a description and hitting generate." ~ Guy Swann Are we on the brink of a revolution where anyone can create blockbuster-quality videos from their bedroom? Discover how the…

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Read_802 – How Inflation Destroys Civilization

"The foregoing considerations are by no means an exhaustive account of the cultural and spiritual legacy of fiat inflation. But they should suffice to substantiate the main point: that fiat inflaiton is a powerhouse of social, economic, cultural, and spiritual destruction." Fiat inflation is more than a hidden tax on everyday folks—it's the fuel for…

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Read_801 – To Dust You Shall Return

"During the peak transaction fee times over the past month, our example transaction would be dust even for .001 BTC. That’s a little less than $50 at current market conditions. This feels incredible. 100,000 sats suddenly turned into dust. Gone. Unusable. This is terrifying." ~ Joe Rodgers While we have a short respite from the…

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Chat_092 – Second Coming of the P2P Web

We had an awesome chat on Twitter Spaces where we discuss the launch of Pear Runtime, bringing Paolo Arduino, Mathias Buus, David Markclem, Samson Mow, and Giacomo Zucco! We dig into what this could mean for the future of application development, the impact it will have on the tech industry, how it could disrupt monetization…

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Read_800 – Mining Misinformation – How the UN Misrepresents Bitcoin Mining

"For too long, the world has had to endure the fallout of subpar academic research on bitcoin mining’s energy use and environmental impact. The outcome of this bullshit research has been shocking news headlines that have turned some well-meaning people into angry politicians and deranged activists. So that you never have to endure the brutality…

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Read_799 – Nostr Wallet Connect – Bitcoin App Collaboration

"NWC is useful for far more than simply integrating Lightning into Nostr applications as well. The entire design philosophy of Nostr itself as a protocol was centered around keeping it simple enough that the entire protocol could be easily implemented correctly by any developer with minimal time and resources. Applications that have nothing to do…

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