
The Last Days of Satoshi

“To be sure, by the waning days of 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto was still acknowledged for inventing Bitcoin, and was respected for growing the world’s first decentralized digital currency into a $1 million market. But as frustrations with his authority and availability built, it became all too common for users to decry Satoshi the admin[ X ], Satoshi the bottleneck[ X ], Satoshi the dictator[ X ].” – Pete Rizzo

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The Key to an Abundant, Clean Energy Future

“Bitcoin miners are unique energy buyers in that they offer highly flexible and easily interruptible load, provide payout in a globally liquid cryptocurrency, and are completely location agnostic, requiring only an internet connection. These combined qualities constitute an extraordinary asset, an energy buyer of last resort that can be turned on or off at a moment’s notice anywhere in the world.” – Square & ARKinvest

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Two Taproot Activation Clients!

“discussion about Taproot activation turned out to be a long and sometimes heated debate. Now, it has resulted in two different Taproot activation paths, embedded in two main software clients that could in some scenarios even become incompatible with one another.” – Aaron Van Wirdum

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Len Sassaman & Satoshi, A Cypherpunk History

“Embedded on every single node of the Bitcoin network is an obituary . Hacked into the transaction data, it’s a memorial to Len Sassaman, a man essentially immortalized in the blockchain itself. A fitting tribute in more ways than one.’ – Evan h

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Conclusion of the Long-Term Debt Cycle

“Human civilization is at an inflection point. Inflationary monetary policy against the backdrop of technological deflation means either that ever more power will become concentrated in the hands of the state, or that one by one, individuals will voluntarily opt into and adopt a superior monetary system, the rules of which cannot be arbitrarily changed.” – Dylan Leclair

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Utopian Dystopias

“Bitcoin is the alpha-omega of private property and voluntary exchange. It lowers the cost of defence whilst increasing the cost of attack. As such it is the central tool in helping us get beyond the great filter.” – Aleks Svetski

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The Responsibility of Adopting Bitcoin

“The whole idea of Bitcoin is to remove intermediaries from the equation. Trusted third parties are security holes, and unless we want to repeat past mistakes, it is our collective responsibility to eliminate these security holes wherever and whenever we can.” – DerGigi

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Noahbjectivity on Bitcoin Mining

“…And we’re just considering two sources of nonrival energy: clean energy curtailment in China, and vented/flared gas in the U.S. There are many other sources of stranded and nonrival energy sources globally. Suffice to say, there’s enough nonrival energy out there to run Bitcoin many times over. It’s just a matter of deploying hashrate in the right locations, which miners are doing — aggressively.” – Nic Carter

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Why The Yuppie Elite Dismiss Bitcoin

“When I thought about what is the defining difference between the Bitcoin maximalists and my yuppie elite friends, the surface level distinctions that popped out were political (e.g., libertarianism, Trump support, second-amendment rights, Black Lives Matter). But these stem from a deeper divide: the degree to which a person has trust in the system.” – Croesus

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Debunking the Empty Block Attack

“The empty block attack is one where a majority of mining power would be directed at mining only empty blocks and rejecting non-empty blocks. These miners would essentially execute a soft-fork where all non-empty blocks would be rejected. Given that they have a majority of hashing power on the network, so the thinking goes, they will eventually get the longer chain even if other miners were to mine non-empty blocks. If only empty blocks are being mined, all activity on the network would stop and so, the thinking goes, Bitcoin would be killed.” – Jimmy Song

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