Search results for: why bitcoin

Read_559 – The Dollar Burden & Why the US Will Adopt Bitcoin [Ansel Lindner]

“we often hear the U.S. dollar called an “exorbitant privilege.” Namely, that the U.S. benefits disproportionately from the dollar’s reserve currency status. This article will detail why the current financial system has, in fact, been a burden on the United States, why the fiat dollar system is ending and what that means for the future…

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Read_550 – Bitcoin’s Energy Use isn’t a Problem, Here’s Why [Lyn Alden]

“And it’s easier to sensa­tion­alize things for pageviews or polit­ical gain. For example, it’s commonly said that the Bitcoin network uses more energy than some countries. That’s true, but then so does Google, Youtube, Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, the cruise industry, Christmas lights, house­hold drying machines, private jets, the zinc industry, and basically any other sizable…

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Why Anthropologists are More Interested in Bitcoin than Economists

“At the core of economists’ fallacy is the belief that money is money by decree (because the state and its expert economists say so), which means they don’t fully recognize the power held by people’s collective decisions.” – Mick Morucci

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Read_531 – Why Anthropologists are More Interested in Bitcoin than Economists [Mick Morucci]

“At the core of economists’ fallacy is the belief that money is money by decree (because the state and its expert economists say so), which means they don’t fully recognise the power held by people’s collective decisions.” – Mick Morucci A Bitcoin Magazine read today on why it is that the modern anthropologist may actually…

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Why The Yuppie Elite Dismiss Bitcoin

“When I thought about what is the defining difference between the Bitcoin maximalists and my yuppie elite friends, the surface level distinctions that popped out were political (e.g., libertarianism, Trump support, second-amendment rights, Black Lives Matter). But these stem from a deeper divide: the degree to which a person has trust in the system.” – Croesus

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Read_512 – Why The Yuppie Elite Dismiss Bitcoin [Croesus]

“When I thought about what is the defining difference between the Bitcoin maximalists and my yuppie elite friends, the surface level distinctions that popped out were political (e.g., libertarianism, Trump support, second-amendment rights, Black Lives Matter).  But these stem from a deeper divide: the degree to which a person has trust in the system.” –…

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Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?

“What Bitcoin is depends on its use as a means of storing and porting value, which in turn rests on secure titles to ownership of a scarce good.” – Jeffrey Tucker

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Read_470 – Why Does Bitcoin Have Value? [Jeffrey Tucker]

“What Bitcoin is depends on its use as a means of storing and porting value, which in turn rests on secure titles to ownership of a scarce good.” – Jeffrey Tucker It can be incredibly difficult to make sense of, and imagine the immense amount of value provided by the Bitcoin system. And so often…

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CryptoQuikRead_354 – Why Proof of Reserves is Important to Bitcoin [Mauricio Di Bartolomeo]

“Bitcoin is a movement founded on individual monetary sovereignty, transparency and peer-to-peer auditability enabled by a breakthrough in technology. […] The technology to provide auditability and transparency for bitcoin held in custody has been inherent to the protocol from its inception. However, the industry has been slow to incorporate”  –Mauricio Di Bartolomeo Bitcoin, as a…

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Why Proof of Reserves is Important to Bitcoin

“The technology to provide auditability and transparency for bitcoin held in custody has been inherent to the protocol from its inception. However, the industry has been slow to incorporate”

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