Pete Rizzo

How to Be a Bitcoin Maximalist [Pete Rizzo]

“Cryptocurrency market-isms are built on claims about the economic and computer science advances Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have achieved, and thus have a direct relationship to those claims. While some are the product entirely of fandom, others are more complex, attempting to both define a scientific position, and then encourage beliefs and conduct based on those claims.”…

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The Last Days of Satoshi

“To be sure, by the waning days of 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto was still acknowledged for inventing Bitcoin, and was respected for growing the world’s first decentralized digital currency into a $1 million market. But as frustrations with his authority and availability built, it became all too common for users to decry Satoshi the admin[ X ], Satoshi the bottleneck[ X ], Satoshi the dictator[ X ].” – Pete Rizzo

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The Untold Story of the First Bitcoin War

“With his choice of words, Taaki had outed an elephant in the room. It was true, Nakamoto had enacted soft forks, but by late 2011, the network no longer operated as it did in those early days.” – Aaron & Pete

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The Great Wealth Transfer with Pete Rizzo

The team over at Kraken just dropped a fascinating report on “The Great Wealth Transfer” and what it means for Bitcoin. How, even holding all other things constant, we could see on the order of $1 Trillion move into the Bitcoin ecosystem. We bring Pete Rizzo on the show to talk all about it.

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