Guy Swann

Hayek’s ‘Use of Knowledge in Society’

The brilliance of the price system is in coordinating the values, deeply limited knowledge and scarce resources precisely to their highest value need without having to understand or be aware of every single change in supply, alternatives, and uses of those resources among the economic participants. It is specifically because we only receive the most important piece of information, its new value in relation to other things (the price), that we can so quickly align ourselves with the new state of the world…

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Bitcoin’s Security is Fine

Is Bitcoin’s security going to be unreliable, volatile, or could it even fail entirely when we lose the block subsidy? Or is Bitcoin set to operate smoothly with a natural transition from newly minted bitcoin, to transaction fees?

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The Magic Dust of Cryptography

Exploring the magic of cryptography using a magic hammer, gray dust, a magic potion, & a pair of very special pajama pants.

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Drama, Drama, Toxic Drama

Curious about all the #BitcoinTwitter buzz recently?  I went digging to find the associated twitter threads & comments to read, and then discuss my own take on all the drama.  

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How to Scale Bitcoin Without Changing a Thing – Parts 1-2

Even with #Bitcoin, are we destined for a future with intermediated payments? Will that give us a different color of the same system we’re stuck with today, or will Bitcoin still prove to be a revolution in financial trust? Lets dig deeper into the objections to Bitcoin Banks in Part 2 of @nic__carter’s “How to Scale Bitcoin (without changing a thing).”

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Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, & That’s Great!

Diving into a great piece by Conner Brown exploring the subjectivity of value, and why Bitcoin’s lack of “intrinsic value” is a benefit, not a hinderance.

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Bitrefill’s Hottest Lightning Tech of 2019!

Today we cover all the incredible new developments coming to Lightning and what they will mean for the future the protocol!

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The What, Why, & How of Lightning

Today, in preparation of & to understand the significance of the vast array of new features and developments coming to lightning, we cover a full overview of the What, Why, & How of the Lightning Network.

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The Ancient Sin of Debt, How Bitcoin Can Make Amends

With a really cool and succinct article from Darren Kleine (@_DKleine), today’s read is on the “sins” of debt and usury, and how a good or bad monetary system will either encourage its corruption, or protect society from its abuse. Don’t miss a great little read and fun discussion all about the nature of debt, money, and a new financial world built on Bitcoin.

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Nodes vs Miners, Who Defines Bitcoin?

Today we cover more specifically the consequences and risks of a divorce between miners & the network of nodes.  What could the miners do, are sybil attacks proof that nodes worthless, what exactly are the incentives that keep the different players in this ecosystem working together?  Don’t miss another fun discussion on what defines Bitcoin, and the role that proof-of-work & validation play in this revolutionary technology.

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