Guy Swann

Reboot – Bitcoin Astronomy #1

Preparing for the Second Part of Dhruv’s incredible series, today we have a reboot of Part 1!

Equal parts entertaining & intellectually intriguing, we start with Part 1 of Dhruv Bansal‘s wonderful piece, Bitcoin Astronomy ! The interplanetary center of hash, the Law of Hash Horizons, the Muskcoin Revolution, retaliation of the Bitcoin Empire, and the total economic devastation of the Hash Bomb! How could you not want to know more?

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How this Bull Run is Different

“People aren’t trading bitcoin, they’re accumulating more and more of it over time and holding it long term (aka, “stacking sats“ ). This is evident not only through the raw on-chain data and exchange flows, but also through consumer behavior.” – Abhay Aluri

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Guy’s Take #41 – Gamestop is the Battle, Bitcoin is the War

Curious to know what the recent clown show of GameStop and r/WallStreetBets was all about? Well we get into it in today’s rant about the phenomenal arrogance and outright manipulation of the major players in Wall Street after retail investors made them cry. There is nothing that could more perfectly demonstrate the reality that average Joe’s only have freedom when they are losing, but when they make a win at the expense of billionaire hedge funds, you can bet your ass the stocks will be delisted, accounts will be frozen, positions will be closed for no reason, the SEC will investigate “manipulation” from the retail investors, & the big dogs will do everything they can to prevent from paying the bill.

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The Cantillon Effect 2.0 – Bitcoin is the First Truly Fair Money

“Because of Nakamoto’s deliberate actions and Bitcoin’s permissionless, free & open-source nature, bitcoin is the first truly neutral money. Bitcoin eliminates the inherent unfairness that comes with all previous monies as well as any need to trust a third party in order to use Bitcoin.” – CK & Deniz Saat

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Chat #56 – DLCs, PTLCs, the Oracle Problem & More with SuredBits’ Nadav

“Any solution to the oracle problem, makes Bitcoin able to do anything that any other protocol out there can do.” – Nadav Kohen

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Guy’s Take #40 – Double Spends & Wittgenstein’s Money

What the hell is everyone squealing about regarding this “critical flaw” and “confirmed double spend” on the Bitcoin network? Is this another 2013 bug, or a giant nothing burger? Guy dives into it on today’s episode and then gets into the follow-up to Wittgenstein’s Money, the amazing piece by Allen Farrington that we covered in the previous episode on the show. What is value, what is money, & what would it seem like if it did seem like a money was emerging from zero?

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Wittgenstein’s Money

“What would it seem like if it did seem like a global, digital, sound, open source, programmable money was monetizing from absolute zero?” – Allenf32

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Winning Hearts & Minds for Bitcoin

“In a world in which governments and companies continually encroach on personal liberties via surveillance and outright control, Bitcoin shines like a beacon of freedom.” – Andy Edstrom & Peter McCormack

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The Moral Case for Bitcoin

“Fiat money is a positivist money, a tool of governments pursuing a utopian vision. Bitcoin is a Natural Law money, a tool to protect individual liberty. Bitcoin is therefore the more moral money.” – Jimmy Song

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Why Bitcoin Is Not a Ponzi Scheme

“From the begin­ning, Bitcoin has remained an open source and fully trans­parent project, and has the most organic growth trajec­tory of the industry. Given avail­able infor­ma­tion, the market has priced it as it sees fit, out in the open.” – Lyn Alden

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