Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

Chat #51 – The Death of Nuance with Aleks Svetski

Today’s chat is with the brilliant and always entertaining Aleks Svetski (https://twitter.com/AleksSvetski). On the state of the world, our turbulent future ahead, and getting trapped in the empty pursuit of happiness while losing sight of the deeper search for meaning. We had no agenda for this show and just went deep into whatever felt right…

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Read_462 – 7 Misconceptions About Bitcoin [Lyn Alden]

“Bitcoin is more easily verifiable than gold, in terms of being a reserve asset and being used as collateral. It’s more frictionless to transfer than gold, and has a hard-capped supply. And I like gold too; I’ve been long it since 2018, and still am.” – Lyn Alden With so many new eyes on Bitcoin,…

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Guy’s Take #36 – Walking Tall

What does having savings, & the incentives reestablished by sound money, do to a person’s *character?* How does it change who we are when we have something that we know is ours, and frees us of dependence on another human being?  With a short read of a Bank Ad from many decades ago  that shows…

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Read_461 – When Bitcoin Melts The System, Prosperity Steps In [Thibaud Marechal]

“The logical construct behind the dissection of today’s evils is actually very simple: money is broken; fix the money, fix the world.” – Thibaud Marechal The systemic imbalances of our monetary system are far deeper than most realize. It is the very foundation of our consumerist culture, its the course of our bloated, corrupt financial…

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Read_460 – The Hard Forks that Didn’t Dilute Bitcoin [Nic Carter]

“If any of these forks had meaningfully gained ground relative to Bitcoin, the critics would have had a point. What’s the point of a monetary network which is undergoing a constant state of fragmentation?” – Nic Carter Another great article from Nic and this one is right in line with the second episode of Shitcoin…

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Read_459 – Call me Ishmael [BitMex]

“One can use a “brainwallet”. Refugees need to carry nothing with them, all they would need to do is remember a Bitcoin wallet passphrase. Funds, potentially millions of US dollars, can therefore be effectively stored inside of one’s mind.” – Bitmex research What is a bran wallet and what exactly are the risks and benefits…

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Read_458- The Lightning Liquidity Marketplace [Peter Chawaga]

“Lightning Labs is positioning this release as a step toward an ecosystem of Lightning-based financial products, which it called “LiFi.” – Peter Chawaga A new ecosystem has just begun. With Bitcoin native financial markets, Lightning Labs has released the beginning of an entirely new structure of Bitcoin finance with Lightning Pool Marketplace. An open, global,…

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Read_457 – Our Most Brilliant Idea [Robert Breedlove]

“When governments play God, civilizations burn in Hell.” – Robert Breedlove The 3 pillars of free markets all hinge on fair, honest, reliable money. Without it, monumental errors within the markets are unable to be corrected. By enforcing reliable, incorruptible rule of law, undeniable private property, through a system of verifiable sound money… Bitcoin is…

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Read_456 – Bitcoin at 12 [Nic Carter]

“I believe Bitcoiners have this in common. They recognize that they have undertaken a near-hopeless task. Creating a global, neutral, apolitical settlement medium and standard of value will not happen overnight. We have barely begun the project.” – Nic Carter Bitcoin represents a hope for a better future, and the longest time horizon in building…

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Guy’s Take #35 – The Next Domino…

We may have just seen the beginnings of central banks entering the Bitcoin game theory. The game is about to get real. Bitcoin has suddenly broken onto the political stage with the announcement that the Iranian Central Bank is officially purchasing Bitcoin from its licensed miners in order to use it to increase imports and…

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