
Bitcoin is One for All – By Parker Lewis

Unabridged, Uninterrupted, & unmatched. Parker Lewis’s most recent installment of the “Gradually, Then Suddenly” series.

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Accepting Scarcity, A Bitcoin Meditation

“ignorance or delusion is one of the three causes of our suffering (the other two are attach­ment and aversion). So when we are deluded about reality, we perpet­uate suffering. When we are aware of reality as it is, we avoid suffering.” – Reed Wommack

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Totally Bitcoin & Changing Minds with Keyvan Davani

A long and intense discussion on the vast chasms between the normal view of the world, and that which Bitcoin instills and requires of people. In the age of contradict and finger pointing, there is nothing so disruptive as radical personal responsibility.

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Project Snow White & the Raleigh Bitcoin Meetup

Another awesome episode with the Raleigh crew digging into so many topics on Bitcoin & and the state of the world.

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What is Happening to Money

“In the wake of the enormous money tsunami unleashed onto economies and societies, people have begun (rightfully) to start asking the question: What has become of money? Is money even worth anything any longer?” – Pascal

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The Number Zero & Bitcoin

“A distant digital descendent of zero, the invention of Bitcoin represents the discovery of absolute scarcity for money: an idea as equally unstoppable.”  – Robert Breedlove

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Pascal’s Scams

“Beware of what I call Pascal’s scams: movements or belief systems that ask you to hope for or worry about very improbable outcomes that could have very large positive or negative consequences.” – Nick Szabo

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Stop Calling for a Free Market in Money

“Although I mostly agree with their reasoning and share the enthusiasm for such a free market, I cannot stop being astonished by the naivety of the idea.”  – Sven Schneiders

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Anatomy of the State – Part 1

The greatest danger to the State
is independent intellectual criticism.”
-Murray N. Rothbard

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