Game theory

How Bitcoin Could Bring Down the State

Inflation, or manipulation of the money supply to the benefit of the politically well connected, is quite possibly the most pervasive frauds of modern society.  It creates multiple layers of compounded resource misallocation, it benefits the debtors and manipulators at the expense of savers, it puts a constant downward pressure on living standards, and it enables more unchecked corruption and abuse of power than any other aspect of our political systems.

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Bitcoin & Software Reliability

“‘Break stuff’ in that context means ‘Kill People.’  The software simply must work every time, no compromise, no guesswork, no exceptions. There are no ‘do overs’ or roll-backs.”

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The Bcash 51% Attack

In a crazy conversation from last night’s meet-up, I learned of discussion of a purposeful re-org, a 51% attack, on the #BCH chain by 2 miners. After a few hours scrambling to pull details together this morning, this is what I’ve discovered so far. Don’t miss this Guy’s Take episode all about the #Bcash 51% attack!

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Bitcoin’s Security is Fine

Is Bitcoin’s security going to be unreliable, volatile, or could it even fail entirely when we lose the block subsidy? Or is Bitcoin set to operate smoothly with a natural transition from newly minted bitcoin, to transaction fees?

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Formalizing & Securing Network Relationships – Parts 1-3

“… The movement from static to dynamic media promises to bring about a fourth cost revolution in the related areas of jurisdiction, trust, and security. Impacts on business will be felt in law, accounting, auditing, billing, collections, contracts, confidentiality, and so on: in short, the entire nature of our business relationships will be altered in ways only partially foreseeable.”
Nick Szabo

Listening to an essay from 1997 that details specific challenges of something as distant as the smart contract embedded into the Lightning Network shows the unbelievable foresight of the cypherpunks. As well as the dedication to seeing their vision become a reality.

The risks and benefits of chargebacks, the nature of the trade-off between contract enforcement & ensuring privacy, the elements of splitting contractual elements (the ripped dollar bill) to minimize trust, pseudonymous credit ratings, and so much more in our completion of Szabo’s essay, “Formalizing and Securing Relationships on Public Networks.”

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The Human Threat Model

“The human threat model is intended to help humans better understand the threats to that they face and the tools available, and in active development, for defense. Threats are assumed to be any activity designed to prevent humanity from accomplishing it’s mission to make the world delightful.” @jwweatherman_

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The Bitcoin Threat Model

“The Bitcoin Threat Model is intended to help developers, investors and users better understand the security of Bitcoin. Threats are assumed to be any activity designed to prevent Bitcoin from accomplishing its mission to become cash (including a unit of account).” @jwweatherman

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Estimating and Minimizing Consumer Worry

What are the mental barriers that cause prospective consumers to drop off from interacting with an e-commerce business? How can we measure or estimate the worry caused by excessive forms, ads, and barriers to the content being sought. Another piece by @NickSzabo4 to add to our collection. Don’t miss “Estimating and Minimizing Consumer Worry.”

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Bitcoin’s Distribution Was Fair

As Bitcoin continues to succeed against all odds, there are more and more claims of how its “unfair” that early investors have profited. Dan Held argues in an excellent summary that Bitcoin was, and still is, the fairest distribution possible.

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If Games Drive Crypto Mass Adoption, They Will be Grassroots

There seems to be something inherently complementary between scarce digital goods in the video game world, and the systems that ensure the scarcity of cryptocurrency tokens. But do games like Fortnite and other incumbents have any incentive to adopt a crypto model?

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