
Guy’s Take #36 – Walking Tall

What does having savings, & the incentives reestablished by sound money, do to a person’s *character?* How does it change who we are when we have something that we know is ours, and frees us of dependence on another human being? With a short read of a Bank Ad from many decades ago that shows an entirely different view of money and savings, we dig into how money affects us on a different level.

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The Hard Forks that Didn’t Dilute Bitcoin

“If any of these forks had meaningfully gained ground relative to Bitcoin, the critics would have had a point. What’s the point of a monetary network which is undergoing a constant state of fragmentation?” – Nic Carter

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Don’t Fear the Reaper

“Bitcoin’s supply schedule cannot change, because Bitcoin is the supply schedule. Any alteration produces something that is decidedly non-Bitcoin.” – Nic Carter

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Discovering Bitcoin Part 7 – Missing Pieces

“As we conclude our “Discovering Bitcoin” series, we will build on the use of digital signatures and of the CoinJoin paradigm to explore concepts of unique chronology, mining fees and off-chain transactions.” – Giacomo Zucco

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Bitcoin is One for All – Part 2

“The same is not true of the current monetary system. In the current structure, dollars can either be earned by delivering value to others within the economy, or conversely, if the Fed decides to hand out more money. And this happens quite frequently. Of all the dollars that exist today, over 80% have been created and allocated by the Fed since 2008” – Parker Lewis

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Bitcoin is One for All – Part 1

“By manipulating price levels, the Fed isn’t just preventing smaller intermittent fires from naturally running their course while creating larger fires down the road. Instead, think of the Fed’s actions as the arsonist that lights a fire, leaves through the back door in the middle of the night, and then is celebrated as the hero when it arrives through the front door to fight the fire with gasoline.” – Parker Lewis

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Discovering Bitcoin Part 6 – Digital Contracts

“In Part 6 of this “Discovering Bitcoin” series, we will build on the idea of using digital puzzles as a way to reproduce scarcity, and on the importance of a supply-control mechanism to grant some hardness to digital money, to explore concepts of proving ownership through signatures and scripts, and the technique known as CoinJoin.” – Giacomo Zucco

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Discovering Bitcoin Part 5 – Digital Scarcity

Continuing the excellent series of Discovering Bitcoin, moving into the digital age, we have lost the most fundamental element of our money, it’s “hardness.” By what means can we get it back? Can we make a scarce money in the digital world, that has no authority, no ruler? Can we restore the freedom of decentralized money? Find out about the brilliant use of difficult puzzles, to achieve digital hardness, in part #5 of Giacomo’s excellent series, “Digital Scarcity.”

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Discovering Bitcoin Part 4 – A Wrong Turn & A New Plan

“While it was pretty difficult for him to take over the very decentralized process of people exchanging gold nuggets, there are now a few big, public, trusted, vulnerable entities he can easily seize control of.” – Giacomo Zucco

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Discovering Bitcoin Part 3 Introducing Money

“The goods that fare better in hardness, scaleness and darkness will compete, and the first one to reach a critical mass will start swallowing the others, as far as monetary uses are concerned.” – Giacomo Zucco

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