Guy Swann

Full Nodes or Nothing, The Story of Validation – Part 1

When we dig to the very base elements of Bitcoin, we find it is merely digital points.  What make these integers different from identical ones on billions of other computers?  It is the rules that restrict the editing of those specific integers we call Bitcoin, in other words, it is the network of validating nodes that define it. In this episode you will hear Part 1 of my argument as to why.

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Errors in Satoshi’s Whitepaper

Today we take a stroll through a collection of known errors, clarification, and terminology changes from the original whitepaper made available thanks to David A. Harding.

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Bitcoin’s Gravity

A great piece just full of fun analogies on how to imagine the force of nature that is #Bitcoin. Don’t miss our first piece by @dergigi on the show today, exploring Bitcoin as a force of ideological gravity, and how the network codifies a concept into an explicit set of rules to define the game we play. Today’s read, Bitcoin’s Gravity!

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Bitcoin in Heavy Accumulation – Part 2

The conclusion of the Adamant Capital report from Tuur Demeester & Michiel Lescrauwaet on the current state & sentiment of the Bitcoin markets.

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Lightning, Paywall.Link, & the Bootstrap Bandit

Today we bring Tim K (@bootstrapbandit) on the show to talk all about the Lightning Network & a new tool he built at Paywall.Link. Don’t miss this fun conversation about the positives and negatives of lightning, how easy it is to build for, and what the potential for this network is going forward. Enjoy!

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Bitcoin in Heavy Accumulation – Part 1

Today & tomorrow we will be going through the Adamant Capital report by Tuur Demeester & Michiel Lescrauwaet on the current state and sentiment of the Bitcoin markets, and the data that backs up their analysis. Is the bear market over? Should we be searching for bull horns breaking the horizon? Find out in Adamant Capital report

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Neutrino is Dangerous to my Self-Sovereignty

In the follow-up to yesterday’s article, we are covering Nicolas Dorier’s second article on Neutrino, detailing the systemic risks of widespread SPV, and breaking down the different types and specific consequences of various node setups on the network. With the controversial stance that SPV threatens self-sovereignty more than even custodial wallets, Nicolas cedes no ground. Don’t miss another great article!

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Why I Don’t Celebrate Neutrino

Today we read an article from developer @nicolasdorier that illustrates why Neutrino might not be the panacea some seem to treat it as. It certainly has its benefits, but its important to look critically at every proposal, to ensure we understand what is, not what we wish to be.

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Rothbard on Utility Theory

Today we grab a section out of one of the many incredible works by Murray N. Rothbard to discuss the idea of marginal utility and why money must be a good, and actually is not a unit of measure. As value can only be measured as relational to another good, money follows the same law of diminishing marginal utility.

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The Case for Electronic Cash

The full audio version of “The Case for Electronic Cash” by Jerry Brito.


Cash is more than a method of payment. It is a fundamental tool for individual privacy and autonomy, and it is necessary for an open society. This paper shows that a cashless economy is a surveillance economy. It also argues that removing the option to freely transact without intermediation greatly limits our economic self-determination, placing our economic lives in the hands of financial institutions and governments. This paper presents several case studies demonstrating the dangers of a completely intermediated payments system and concludes that electronic cash is a tool that should not only be tolerated, but fostered and celebrated.

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