Guy Swann

Guy’s Take #39 – Bitcoin is the Pin

We are in the midst of one of history’s greatest financial bubbles, represented both in a global debt crisis, as well as a bloated, subsidized financial sector that is many times greater in size than it naturally should be. Rather than Bitcoin being the bubble that everyone claims it is, on the contrary, the financial system is a “greater fool” bubble, and Bitcoin is the pin.

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Bitcoin is the Great Definancialization

“The greatest trick that central banks ever pulled was convincing the world that individuals must perpetually take risk just to preserve value already created (and saved). It is insane, and the only practical solution is to find a better form of money which eliminates the negative asymmetry inherent to systemic currency debasement.” – Parker Lewis

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The Legend of Prometheus

“we should all take a moment to be deeply grateful for the introduction of an ark upon which we can board, and from which we can later rebuild.” – Aleks Svetski

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Chat #54 – WTF is Bitcoin Anyway? With Jim & Hari

Today we have a crazy fun show after getting to hang with Jim & Hari (and James)from the What Do We Know podcast! A couple of guys who just wanted to know WTF a Bitcoin was, and we get into all of it in a 2 hour marathon. This is part 1, with part 2 on the way.

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Happy HODL Day!

“GF’s out at a lesbian bar, BTC crashing WHY AM I HOLDING? I’LL TELL YOU WHY…” – GameKyuubi

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The Sovereign Company Thesis

“Today, bitcoin is still an alternative treasury asset, but as larger and more powerful organizations begin to use Bitcoin directly, they will begin to tear away from the overreach of governments. This in and of itself will challenge the dynamics of governance and the nature of nation states as we currently know them.” – Ck_snarks

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The Fraying of the Petrodollar System – Part 2

“As a decentralized and open source project, adopted by many programmers and proponents around the world, many intelligent people have dedicated their careers to Bitcoin. It’s hard to find a more voracious group of people than those in the Bitcoin community, and increasingly over time, Wall Street money has poured in as well.” – Lyn Alden

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The Fraying of the Petrodollar System – Part 1

“Taking my view a step further, evidence shows that the global monetary system as currently structured is gradually re-aligning itself, and this fact will have important ramifications for investments over the long run.” – Lyn Alden

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Guy’s Take #38 – An Unstoppable Force

“It’s not that a government has the ability to ban Bitcoin from their country, I think it’s closer to the opposite: A country only has the ability to ban itself from Bitcoin.” – Guy Swann

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The Fiat Standard – Chapter 1

“For the reader who has become familiar with the operation of bitcoin, a good way to understand the operation of fiat is by drawing analogy to the operation of bitcoin using concepts like mining, nodes, balances, and proof of work. My aim is to explain the operation and engineering structure of the fiat monetary system and how it operates, in reality, away from the naive romanticism of governments and banks who have benefited from this system for a century.” – Saifedean Ammous

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