Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

CryptoChat_026 – Bitcoin for Self Defense with Max Hillebrand

Diving down the rabbit hole on the amazing privacy technologies in Bitcoin, what they are, how they can be used, and how it might change our interactions with the Bitcoin timechain in the future. Don’t miss an awesome chat with Max Hillebrand! The many links discussed in this episode for tons of awesome tech to…

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CryptoQuikRead_318 – Taproot is Coming [Aaron van Wirdum]

One of the many amazing technologies coming to Bitcoin, Taproot is one of the most promising improvements to the privacy, efficiency, & capabilities of the Bitcoin system. Another excellent article breaking it all down by Aaron Van Wirdum, published at BitcoinMagazine.com, today we read & discuss: “Taproot Is Coming: What It Is, and How It…

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CryptoQuikRead_317 – The Triumvirate of Liquidity [Nik Bhatia]

Today, Nik Bhatia takes us through a compressed history of the Dollar, Us Treasuries, and how we found ourselves in the current global financial mess. What are the safe-haven assets of the future, what will happen to the demand during these uncertain times, & what will be Bitcoin’s role? US Treasuries, Gold, & Bitcoin… The…

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GuysTake_025 – Money, Networks, Blockchains, & Bitcoin

The much deserved Guy’s Take episode as a dedicated follow-up to the amazing work of “The Bitcoin Time Vol 1.” There just wasn’t enough time to do it justice during the read, so today I give my take on the plethora of ideas conveyed in Alek Svetski’s awesome work! Don’t forget to listen to the…

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GuysTake_025 – Money, Networks, Blockchains, & Bitcoin

The much deserved Guy’s Take episode as a dedicated follow-up to the amazing work of “The Bitcoin Time Vol 1.” There just wasn’t enough time to do it justice during the read, so today I give my take on the plethora of ideas conveyed in Alek Svetski’s awesome work!
Don’t forget to listen to the audio if you haven’t yet! Part 1 and 2 linked below:
Part 1 – https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/CryptoQuikRead_315—Blockchain-is-Dead—The-Bitcoin-Times-Vol-1—Part-1-Aleksandar-Svetski-e8r9ar
Part 2 – https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/CryptoQuikRead_316—A-New-Monetary-Network—The-Bitcoin-Times-Vol-1—Part-2-Aleksandar-Svetski-e8rqi1
As I said, the ideas in this piece are many & very dense. We’ve had entire episodes expanding on these topics that are great for a deeper journey down the rabbit hole.  Here are some links to those past works that will elaborate on the many topics.
• Money blockchains social scalability
• Bitcoin can’t be copied
• Independent property rights
• I, pencil
• How The Internet is Too Complex to Work
• Reckless to Wumbology – The Lightning Build Out
• Origins of Money
• 7 Misunderstandings of Bitcoin’s Scaling Problem

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_316 – A New Monetary Network – The Bitcoin Times Vol 1 – Part 2 [Aleksandar Svetski]

“Bitcoin is the first time we’ve combined Money as a unit, with Money as a Network, into one thing.” – Alexsandar Svetski Dont miss part 2, the conclusion, of Aleks Svetski‘s excellent volume of “The Bitcoin Times.” A new global monetary network, the future & potential of Lightning, the difference between money & payments, Bitcoin…

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CryptoQuikRead_315 – Blockchain is Dead – The Bitcoin Times Vol 1 – Part 1 [Aleksandar Svetski]

“When people get up and begin to talk to me about how they’re going to use the blockchain to solve supply chain, or whatever other (mostly ridiculous) idea they have, it reminds of someone who just discovered that limestone aggregate in concrete makes for better strength and better overall properties in concrete; so they then…

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CryptoQuikRead_314 – Stop Calling Bitcoin Deflationary [Conner Brown]

Another great piece from returning author Conner Brown on the false narrative of Bitcoin’s “deflationary” problems. Not only does it not result in the many naive claims of the critics, its actually our best defense against those very concerns. An article & discussion full of digital gold, so don’t miss it! Follow Conner Brown on…

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CryptoChat_025 – On Sovereignty with Knut Svanholm

The author of the incredible work we covered last week, Bitcoin: Sovereignty Through Mathematics, joins us on the show today to talk all about the foundations of his thinking, what sovereignty really means, why we should question our monetary priests, whether we are living in an Orwellian nightmare, or the new renaissance, human inability to…

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CryptoChat_024 – World War B [The Raleigh Bitcoin Podcast]

Another great chat with the Raleigh Meetup gang about the sorry state of US and global finances, the fall of the dollar empire, prices in the real and fake economies, and what a world war in the era of Bitcoin might look like! Don’t miss the other great & many Bitcoin conversations had with the…

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