Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

Read_486 – The Moral Case for Bitcoin [Jimmy Song]

“Fiat money is a positivist money, a tool of governments pursuing a utopian vision. Bitcoin is a Natural Law money, a tool to protect individual liberty. Bitcoin is therefore the more moral money.” – Jimmy Song There is the economic case, there is the individual sovereignty case, & there is an investment case for Bitcoin….

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Read_485 – Why Bitcoin Is Not a Ponzi Scheme [Lyn Alden]

“From the begin­ning, Bitcoin has remained an open source and fully trans­parent project, and has the most organic growth trajec­tory of the industry. Given avail­able infor­ma­tion, the market has priced it as it sees fit, out in the open.” – Lyn Alden Bitcoin is a Ponzi, say the detractors. Their arguments never seem anymore sophisticated,…

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Read_484 – Bitcoin & the Printing Press [Anil]

“As books became more accessible and affordable, individuals were now personally consuming, reflecting upon and critiquing written texts. It was an idea meritocracy. No longer was “truth” conferred solely by the ordained to the illiterate masses inside of churches.” – Anil The Printing press was a revolution in the spread of information and communication, leading…

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Read_484 – Bitcoin & the Printing Press [Anil]

“As books became more accessible and affordable, individuals were now personally consuming, reflecting upon and critiquing written texts. It was an idea meritocracy. No longer was “truth” conferred solely by the ordained to the illiterate masses inside of churches.” – Anil
The Printing press was a revolution in the spread of information and communication, leading to the Renaissance and the age of Science & Reason. Bitcoin is a revolution in the dissemination & spread of real economic value. It will create a Renaissance that will dwarf that of the printing press.
Check out the original and follow the author at the links below:
A huge thank you to the LTBNetwork for supporting this podcast and sharing it out with their amazing audience! And to Bitcoin Magazine for the incredible work they do in furthering education and new in the Bitcoin space.

Don’t forget to explore our awesome sponsors and their products at the links below:
BitBox – Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet (guyswann.com/BitBox)
LVL.co – The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services! (guyswann.com/lvl)

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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Chat #55 – Knut Svanholm & Andy Edstrom on Writing, Feedback Loops, & Bitcoin Haters in 2021

An excellent chat today with 2 brilliant, bullish, & amazing writers in the Bitcoin space.  Andy Edstrom, author of “Why Buy Bitcoin,” and Knut Svnaholm of “Sovereignty Through Mathematics” and “Independence Reimagined” join us today for a discussion on everything important with catching the new people coming to Bitcoin, the complications with solidifying ideas out…

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Chat #55 – Knut Svanholm & Andy Edstrom on Writing, Feedback Loops, & Bitcoin Haters in 2021

An excellent chat today with 2 brilliant, bullish, & amazing writers in the Bitcoin space.  Andy Edstrom, author of “Why Buy Bitcoin,” and Knut Svnaholm of “Sovereignty Through Mathematics” and “Independence Reimagined” join us today for a discussion on everything important with catching the new people coming to Bitcoin, the complications with solidifying ideas out and making them accessible, the feedback loops that will make Bitcoin a dominant macro-political force, & what we can expect from 2021.  Dont miss Chat #55 with Knut & Andy.

FOLLOW Knut & Andy on Twitter so you don’t miss their awesome content!
Knut Svanholm – https://twitter.com/knutsvanholm
Andy Edstrom – https://twitter.com/edstromandrew

Don’t forget to explore our awesome sponsors and their products at the links below:
BitBox – Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet (guyswann.com/BitBox)
LVL.co – The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services! (guyswann.com/lvl)

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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Read_483 – Bitcoin & the Hopf Cycle of the Internet [Giacomo Zucco]

“Hard times make strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” – Giacomo Zucco Today’s read is another amazing article from Vol 3 of The Bitcoin Times. This is such a cool concept taking an evolutionary and social pattern and applying it to technology and…

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Read_483 – Bitcoin & the Hopf Cycle of the Internet [Giacomo Zucco]

“Hard times make strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” – Giacomo Zucco
Today’s read is another amazing article from Vol 3 of The Bitcoin Times. This is such a cool concept taking an evolutionary and social pattern and applying it to technology and the history of the internet. Another brilliant piece for the archive and I had a blast with Guy’s Take section on this one, so don’t miss it.
Check out the original and the other amazing pieces from the Bitcoin Time Vols at the link below:
Don’t forget to explore our awesome sponsors and their products at the links below:
BitBox – Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet (guyswann.com/BitBox)
LVL.co – The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services! (guyswann.com/lvl)

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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Read_482 – The Stone Ridge Letter [Ross Stevens]

“Perhaps just in time, each U.S. citizen now has a choice. You can stay on the Fiat Standard, in which some people get to produce unlimited new units of money for free, just not you. Or opt in to the Bitcoin Standard, in which no one gets to do that, including you. With the option,…

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Read_481 – Bitcoin’s Killer App, Skin in the Game [Simon Cowell]

“We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. People play games because they are fun, not because they are on a blockchain.” – Simon Cowell As Bitcoin established a universal value transfer protocol for the internet, we are going to begin to see unique monetization, and also incentive models that simply weren’t possible before. One area,…

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