Did you hear about the guy who tried for years to convince the world he was Satoshi?
If you ever wanted to explore the evidence against Craig Wright’s dubious claims but simply didn’t have the time to sit down and read it, this is the QuikRead for you. Today we begin our journey through Jameson Lopp‘s thorough compilation of Faketoshi’s failed efforts at convincing the world he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. Published at Bitcoin Magazine, don’t miss today’s audio of “How Many Wrongs Make a Wright?“
The culprits responsible for making this awesome content available:
twitter.com/lopp // Lopp.net
Check out the article for the video clips, graphics, screenshots, documents, & tons of links that accompany this article:
Get your copy of the latest issue of the Bitcoin Magazine, back in print!
Don’t forget to listen to Dave & Grahm’s interview of Lopp on his perspective of the whole fiasco, and journey in putting this work together.
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