
A Look at the Lightning Network [Lyn Alden]

“I think too many people in those early years interpreted “e-cash” to mean quick-and-easy payments for everyday goods using the base layer, when a better way to think of cash today is as a private censorship-resistant final settlement transaction method. Physical cash, after all, is not necessarily the easiest payment type, or a medium of…

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Chat_72 – The UnCommunist Manifesto, The Swann Brothers chatting with Mark Moss and Aleks Svetski

Tearing down the fallacies of the collective, and digging through the principles of liberty and personal responsibility with the one and only Aleks Svetski and co-author Mark Moss. My brother also joins us today to dig into this topic with a really fun chat on the powerful, but ultimately broken ideas of communism, and why…

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Read_646 – A Look at the Lightning Network – Part 3 [Lyn Alden]

“Back when the iPhone was introduced in 2007, few people thought, “wow this could really disrupt the taxi industry a decade from now.” A few technologies had converged by that the point to where everyday people could have a pocket supercomputer with a big touchscreen and a high-bandwidth mobile internet connection, and this served as a set of building blocks that could exponentially eat into many other industries,…

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Read_645 – A Look at the Lightning Network – Part 2 [Lyn Alden]

“But more broadly, one must ask, “at what point would someone want to permanently exchange their self-custodial scarce money (bitcoin) that has a 1.8% annual supply inflation rate that is exponentially shrinking, for a soft money (fiat currency) that typically has a 7% annual supply inflation rate or higher?” The answer for many people, is…

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Read_644 – A Look at the Lightning Network – Part 1 [Lyn Alden]

“Simple “bubbles” don’t survive through several 70%+ drawdowns over a period lasting thirteen years and counting; it looks more like Metcalfe’s law of network adoption at this point. That doesn’t mean it is without risks, but it means it should be studied and understood rather than dismissed, to see what it is about this network…

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Read_643 – Bitcoin and the True Meaning of Inflation [Steven Lubka]

“Today, people use inflation to refer to two separate things, and whenever you hear someone saying inflation it’s not always clear which definition they are referring to. One definition is “the prices of consumer goods increasing” and the other is “dilution of the money supply”. So which is it?” – Steven Lubka Steven brings an excellent piece today from the Swan…

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BONUS – Shitcoin Insider #7 – How Many Degrees Celsius is a Lunatic? with Cory Klippsten

WE ARE BACK! Were you wondering about everything that happened in the collapse of TerraUSD, the algorithmic stablecoin that got algonniahilated? And how exactly did one project’s failure create such a cascading shitstorm of Defi defaulting? Cory Klippsten, CEO of SwanBitcoin, and outspoken critic who warned everyone of these projects long before they collapsed, breaks…

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#007 – How Many Degrees Celsius is a Lunatic? with Cory Klippsten

WE ARE BACK! Were you wondering about everything that happened in the collapse of TerraUSD, the algorithmic stablecoin that got algonniahilated? And how exactly did one project’s failure create such a cascading shitstorm of Defi defaulting? Cory Klippsten, CEO of SwanBitcoin, and outspoken critic who warned everyone of these projects long before they collapsed, breaks…

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Guy’s Take #58 – “Rent-Seeking Savers!” Misconceptions in Noahpinion’s Crypto Misconceptions

“I think there are some important economic errors in the stories I see people telling about crypto, on Twitter and elsewhere — errors that have important implications for how we should think about the value of Bitcoin and other blockchain assets.” – Noahpinion Unfortunately I think there are quite the few economic errors in Noahpinion’s…

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Read_642 – Losing Your Keys Without Losing Your Coins [Block]

“These two jobs are almost always in tension. Any added protection to keep a bad actor out adds a risk that it may also trip up the owner, and any new backup or alternative way to access creates a new potential security hole.” – @max_guise Today we dive into a practical piece on how to…

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