The Bitcoin Times ed2

The Rise of the Individual

“Not since the gunpowder revolution were ordinary men & women able to stand up to those who chose to oppress or rule them unjustly. Only this time, it can be done in a non-violent method, whereby one can peacefully opt out” – Aleks Svetski

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The Cat is Out of the Bag

“Unlike Paypal, Venmo, or traditional payment processors, it cannot deplatform you for wrongthink, holding subversive political views, being a sex worker, or legally selling cannabis. Ours is the biggest possible tent. Don’t be distracted by the online discourse. Bitcoin is utterly indifferent to the political views of its users.” – Nic Carter

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Proof-of-Work, The Fundamental Laws of Physics & Nature

“It is therefore a universal truth that all work has a measurable cost of energy transformation due to the very nature of the universe, and the laws of thermodynamics. It is with these laws that we underpin Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work.” – Rory Highside

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The Information Theory of Money

“Prices are the coordinating force of a free market system. Each individual decision-maker can rely on the prices of goods and services to help with their decision making, as the prices themselves are a distillation of all known market information into a single metric.” – Dan Held

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The Tyranny of Time Scarcity

“Gold, the ancient and prevailing monetary sovereignty layer (representing an unmanipulable money supply), and the internet, the ultimate engine of exchange (representing global interconnectivity or liquidity). By combining and building upon the economic properties of both, Bitcoin is a momentous monetary innovation that has achieved the divisibility, portability, durability, and recognizability of pure information infused with the absolute scarcity of time.”

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Bitcoin’s Eternal Struggle

Today we read Gigi’s great piece “Bitcoin’s Eternal Struggle” on the intricate dance between that which is built in randomness & entropy, and that which is created with complete unambiguity, with strict universal validation.

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