
BetterHash, Decentralizing Bitcoin Mining with new Hashing Protocols

What if we already had a solution to one of the biggest threats to the Bitcoin network, but simply weren’t implementing it? Today we read another great piece by StopAndDecrypt breaking down the numerous vulnerabilities of centralized mining pools, that simply wouldn’t exist, with the implementation of a TheBlueMatt’s new hashing protocol, BetterHash.

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Invalid Blocks Need Not Apply

Everything that defines the Bitcoin network is in the validation rules, and the nodes are its enforcers.  An impenetrable fortress of validation.

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ASIC Resistance is Nothing but a Blockchain Buzzword

Is ASIC resistance really the panacea that some claim it is? Will it solve the never ending challenges of a decentralized network? Or is it just a buzzword used to sell Bitcoin alternatives? Find out in @StopAndDecrypt‘s thorough piece on ASIC resistance.

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Sharding Centralizes Ethereum

Today we read @StopAndDecrypt’s thorough breakdown of the Ethereum scaling and validation trade-off. Is ETH an inherently centralizing system? Find out in today’s Quik Read.

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Ethereum Blockchain Exceeds 1TB!

@StopAndDecrypt gives us an excellent breakdown of the state of the over-stressed Ethereum blockchain. Do the trends spell disaster for the smart contract platform, or is there a way out? Listen to find out and be prepared to learn!

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