Guy Swann

PART 2: The Inflation/Deflation Debate

“deflation is the natural order of a productive economy. If we were using a hard money standard like gold, for example, we would expect products to get cheaper over time relative to the value of our golden money, thanks to technological and productivity improvements over time, which make them cheaper relative to the number of labor hours required to produce them.” – Lyn Alden

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QE, MMT, Inflation & Deflation – Part 1

“Quantitative easing (QE) occurs when central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, create new money to buy government bonds or other securities. Some people fear that it will cause high inflation or even hyper-inflation and that it is essentially money-printing, while others suggest that it has no impact on inflation because the money that is newly-created or “printed” gets locked away… Based on history and math, the inflationary side of the argument is eventually correct, but with a lot of nuance along the way.” – Lyn Alden

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Orange is the New Green

“Money condenses energy. Bitcoin is the first and only tool we have for converting electric energy to monetary energy. Now what does this do to the energy market?” – Knut Svanholm

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Guy’s Take #46 – Bitcoin is Dead… Again

The price took a near 30% dump today. So let’s talk about it.

A short episode today while I take care of my pup. Have you been distraught with the current price swings? That only means you are doing something wrong, or you don’t yet understand what you are buying into. Conviction comes with experience & knowledge. Today you gain experience, Bitcoin Audible will help you with your knowledge 😘

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Bitcoin is a Trojan Horse for Freedom

“Their goals were to separate money from governments and corporations, check the growth of the global surveillance state, and preserve human rights in an increasingly digital age. Satoshi Nakamoto’s greatest trick was to animate these aspirations into something that looks like and functions as digital gold.” – Alex Gladstein

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Why Layer 2 & Sidechains Will Do All the Things!!

“In my lifetime I have seen many technologies emerge. The Internet. Pocket super computers. Digital music. And the old guard fought it, tried to capture it, and eventually learned to live in harmony with it in each case. The smart ones have even started to make money again in spite of it. One thing I have seen over and over is technology will find a way.” – cAPSLOCK

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Check Your Financial Privilege

“only 13% of our planet’s population is born into the dollar, euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar or Swiss Franc. The other 87% are born into autocracy or considerably less trustworthy currencies. 4.3 billion people live under authoritarianism, and 1.2 billion people live under double- or triple-digit inflation.” – Alex Gladstein

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One Does Not Simply Censor Bitcoin

“How does anyone censor something abstract and intangible; something that can consist of an arrangement of numbers and letters, and can be transported via any medium? What do you do? Ban pen and paper? Phone calls and the spoken word? Smoke signals? Morse code? To what end?” – Grubles

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The 7 Primal Elements of Bitcoin

“one of the main reasons for Bitcoin’s success is something that resonates with us as humans on a much deeper level: the primal elements of its brand, which when combined, turn it into a belief system.” – Paulo Sacramento

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Guy’s Take #45 – A Mental Framework for Scaling

No matter how often we cover these ideas, it still seems astonishingly common for new people to fall into the same old fallacies and the same misguided thinking. In this episode I try to cover all the major problems with the “raise the blocksize” mentality, and why its thinking incorrectly about what the system even provides, and most importantly how it provides it.

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