Guy Swann

What Will Bitcoin Look Like in 20 Years? – Part 1

Will the price increase forever? Will government currencies be a thing of the past? Will there be a singular, global economy? And how do we make interesting predictions in the first place? All this and more in the first half of Daniel Jeffries’s great piece on the Future of Bitcoin.

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Bitcoin, We Don’t Expect New Highs in 2018

Price prediction is a tricky game, but there is some fundamental analysis that may tell us more about the broad trends. Tuur Demeester looks at retail interest, institutional hesitancy, and Metcalf’s law for a current perspective in: “Bitcoin: We Don’t Expect New Highs in 2018.”

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Why Money Has Value & Spending Bitcoin is Senseless

Mises’ and Menger’s theories of money provide deep insight, but invariably never attempted to rank the functions of money during its period of establishment. To fill the gap, Fernando Ulrich explains why he believes a Store of Value must arise before a money becomes a Medium of Exchange.

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ASIC Resistance is Nothing but a Blockchain Buzzword

Is ASIC resistance really the panacea that some claim it is? Will it solve the never ending challenges of a decentralized network? Or is it just a buzzword used to sell Bitcoin alternatives? Find out in @StopAndDecrypt‘s thorough piece on ASIC resistance.

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I, Pencil

In closing out the week we have one last piece on the economics behind Bitcoin and the natural market economy. We read the classic piece “I, Pencil” by Leonard E. Read posted on

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“The Yield From Money Held” Reconsidered

What if “hoarding” money is both realizing its most important utility, and stabilizing in an uncertain economy? If true, how could the exact opposite belief be so widespread? Don’t miss our read from Hans Hermann Hoppe on to find out more!

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John Wolpert on Blockchain, Identity, & a New Internet

Taking a break from Bitcoin maximalism to have a chat with John Wolpert (@Consensys, @IBMblockchain, @Hyperledger) for what consensus protocols and blockchain can do for the future of decentralization, trust, and privacy!

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Ethereum, FOMO3D, and Dangerous Game Theory

“This game, underlying FOMO3D (F3D), is called “The War of Attrition” and it can produce some insanely irrational outcomes… Human beings tend to play terribly and lose.” Don’t miss Matt Stephenson’s great piece on how FOMO3D exploits “dangerous game theory.”

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Visions of Bitcoin

Many different and often conflicting ideas of what Bitcoin is, and what it’s future should be, have emerged throughout the years. Here @nic_carter‘s and @hasufl‘s exploration of past, present, and future narratives that molded Bitcoin into what it is today.

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Deep Dive into ETF Disapproval and SEC Commissioner’s Dissent

The SEC has disapproved the Winklevoss twin’s second attempt at a Bitcoin ETP for traditional markets. Rife with contradictions & misunderstandings, a thorough rebuttal comes in a “Letter of Dissent” from none other than the SEC Commissioner herself! Don’t miss today’s episode!

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