Guy Swann

The Panama Canal and The Bitcoin Lightning Network

“So instead, I’m going to tell a story that makes the function of the Lightning Network less abstract and hopefully, easier to picture in your mind. We will do this by explanation of the system that runs The Panama Canal.” @TheCryptoconomy

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The Hard Thing About Learning Hard Things

“In the end, learning is both science and art. It is science when your domain is structured, and art when it is not.” @Hosseeb

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Welcome to Bitcoin Island

“Forget currencies and commodities… perhaps the right analogy for Bitcoin is LAND!” Flashback from 2014 with @gendal in an analogy that presents a unique and interesting perspective of what it means to own a Bitcoin. Today’s QuikRead, “Welcome to Bitcoin Island!

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Governments & Central Banks Should Look to Gold not Crypto

“…The age of controlled money had arrived — and with it, world wars, depression and inflation, enormous government indebtedness, and the rise of leviathan states that learned to print their way to power and riches.” –Jeffrey Tucker

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The Bitcoin Second Layer

“This makes Lightning Network an absolute game changer for the entire concept of capital markets: income without explicit counterparty default risk.” @timevalueofbtc

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Bitmain, BCH, the IPO & What it All Actually Means

“It is impossible for Bitmain to divest their BCH holdings onmarket. Full stop. The BCH markets are not liquid enough to absorb the amount of coins Bitmain is still holding” -@CryptoHerpesCat

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Media Coverage of Bitcoin is Still a Total Disaster

“I’m going to expose the Washington Post/Wonkblog piece for the nonsensical ramble that it is… in short, it relies on mistaken assumptions to paint a misleading picture of the world.” –Nic Carter

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Responsible Disclosure in the Era of Cryptocurrencies

“On April 25, 2018, I anonymously and privately disclosed a critical vulnerability in Bitcoin Cash, one of the world’s most valuable cryptocurrencies…” – Cory Fields

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What Will Bitcoin Look Like in 20 Years? – Part 2

Will hundreds of coins flourish? Will economic thought change completely? Will it be a force for good or evil? And will Bitcoin even survive? All this and more in the second half of Daniel Jeffries’s great piece on the Future of Bitcoin!

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