Guy Swann

Neutrino: The Lighter Side of Lightning

Another awesome post on the Lightning Labs blog, this time breaking down Alice’s search for privacy and a great mobile user experience with Bitcoin. Neutrino might be the solution she has been waiting for! Listen to find out more.

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Guy’s Take – The Lightning App I Want to Use

Lightning is slowly coming into its own. With clean working wallets, and dedicated plug-and-play nodes around the corner, it’s time to talk about the #LightningNetwork apps that I think could make waves in the early days. Listen to this “Guy’s Take” episode to find out more!

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How Prices Keep Us From Squandering Resources

“this system of prices is not an organized institution or structure that was created by any single person’s design. It was simply a natural consequence of trade between people even before money in a barter economy.” – Hayek

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Why Privacy Matters

Privacy isn’t just about being safe and keeping our data secure, its also a deeply fundamental aspect of being human. The unconscious pressures from being endlessly surveilled create a cage for our minds, killing creativity and expression in place of social conformity and obedience.

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Bitcoin Optech’s Scaling Bitcoin Special

The Bitcoin Optech Newsletter takes a break from their usual technical foray to summarize and discuss the amazing new proposals and technology at the Scaling Bitcoin Conference in Tokyo. Don’t miss the awesome stuff in today’s episode.

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Guy’s Take – Poor in a World with Bitcoin, or Rich in a World Without?

Would you give up $1,000,000 in Bitcoin today, to guarantee its success and that our future was one of sound, decentralized money? My answer would have to be ‘yes,’ and here’s why.

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A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto

“Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one doesn’t want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn’t want anybody to know. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.” – Eric Hughes

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The Untold History of Bitcoin, Enter The Cypherpunks

“Although there was never complete agreement on any one thing, this was an open forum where personal privacy and personal liberty were ultimately placed above all other considerations.” -@PetriB2

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Bitcoin, The Untold History

“I have always believed that to really understand something and where it is going, you have to understand where it came from.” -@PetriB2

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Bitcoin, Blockade Runner of the Information Age

“The dissent did not come in the form of a parchment scrawled with a feathery pen or an assembly of diplomats, but in the form of the Blockade Runner. These ships were built for two things: speed and capacity, in that order.” -@CarCampIt

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