Guy Swann

Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole

“Value is a strange concept because while it is arguably very real, it is entirely subjective, and because of this there is no yardstick or kilogram to measure it against.” – Knut Svanholm
Another from the amazing collection over at , we dive even deeper down the rabbit hole with Knut’s piece. What does it even mean to measure value with Bitcoin as our totem? What happens to prices in a perfectly finite monetary good? What would a future where the growth and productivity of the economy were captured by the money, rather than stolen by our money masters?

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The Tahini’s Bitcoin Standard

As the dominoes continue to fall, we chat with the owner of the amazing Tahini’s restaurant on their journey to a Bitcoin Standard. Why Bitcoin? What led them to such a decision? How do they see the future risks and rewards going forward? What events of the past allowed them to see the true potential of this revolutionary new monetary system? All this and more in today’s phenomenal chat with the man behind @TheRealTahinis

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Crypto, Truth & Power

“I believe that Satoshi Nakamoto, Whoever he/she/it/them is/was, was first and foremost a strategist of the cypherpunk traditions. This is extremely important because we need to understand the motivational ideology was not one of any sort of state capitalist nature, or idiotic wealth fantasies of lambos and other childish bullshit, but an explicit crypto-anarchist one .” – Erik Cason

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The Canary in the Coal Mine

There’s been a bit of Bad News. The canary doesn’t seem to be moving, and its time that we take our situation seriously. As Bitcoin becomes both more mature and finds its way back into a bull market, we can also expect a sharp increase in regulatory and governmental attention. The powers that be, the surveillance state, and the control that the financial institutions have acquired will not be lost without a fight.

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Bitcoin Isn’t Slow, Its Highly Secure

“So the next time somebody says that “shitcoin X” is faster than Bitcoin or claims that Bitcoin is slow, show them the criteria that truly count in a decentralized network.” – Vlad Costea

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The Great Plague of Shitcoinery

“Battles in the money market aren’t about incremental technology features, but fundamental monetary properties. Bitcoin is a pragmatic monetary evolution, which contrasts with shitcoin issuers misrepresenting a delusional technology revolution.” – Thibaud Marechal

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Rights, Incentives & the Bitcoin System

What are rights and can Bitcoin enable us to make better sense of them?

It is very common to hear that education is a “right,” that healthcare, a fair salary, etc are all “rights” that we can demand of others and are entitled to. Can this be the case? How do they conflict with the more basic rights of the control over our own lives, our right to choose, and the rights to our bodies? Can we simply declare that the things we want or need are rights and this means we can have as much of it as we would like?

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FEATURING Shitcoin Insider #1 – DeFi & Ponzinomics

Were you ever just deathly curious about what Defi really is? What is going on behind the scenes of the token wrapped token printing yield machines? Or what the mindset of the shitcoiner really is, and what they think they are building? Don’t miss the flagship episode of our new show SHITCOIN INSIDER!

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Sovereignty in a Box with Matt Hill

Are we on the verge of a new revolution in personal computing? Matt Hill and the team at Start9Labs believes we are, and are helping to build our path through it to a brighter future. How do we re-decentralize the internet? By what means can we break the censored, centralized, surveilled “cloud” into a thousand encrypted, distributed, and private pieces? That is the mission at the heart of Start9Labs. Don’t miss this awesome discussion to learn more.

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A Human Rights Response to Bitcoin Critics

“Contrary to what the critics would have you believe with all of their scary language about fraud and risk, when I send an on-chain Bitcoin transaction to you, it will get to you, no matter what. There is no point of censorship, seizure, or control.” – Alex Gladstein

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