
Twitter Hack & The Need for a User-Owned Internet

“Trusted third parties are security holes” isn’t just a slogan; it’s a concept that millions of people will have intuitively grasped for the first time yesterday.” – Nic Carter

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Coindesk & Jake Chervinsky on the Bitcoin ETFs

Today we have a dual QuikRead with Nikhilesh De’s Coindesk article regarding the Direxion ETF and the SEC’s decision to postpone until September. Plus Jake Chervinsky’s comments and clarification on SEC processes in his informative Twitter thread. Listen for more details!

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Schnorr Poised to Become Bitcoin’s Biggest Change Since SegWit

Thanks to the incredible work by Pieter Wuille (@pwuille) and others, #Schnorr signature scheme has an official proposal. Despite still much work and testing to be done, schnorr is poised to grant #Bitcoin a plethora of amazing improvements.

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