Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

CryptoQuikRead_254 – Bitcoin & Software Reliability [beautyon_]

” ‘Break stuff’ in that context means ‘Kill People.’  The software simply must work every time, no compromise, no guesswork, no exceptions. There are no ‘do overs’ or roll-backs.” The “To the Moon!” Bitcoin meme is far more relevant than many realize.  Bitcoin is mission critical software.  It requires a vastly different engineering philosophy and…

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CryptoQuikRead_254 – Bitcoin & Software Reliability [beautyon_]

” ‘Break stuff’ in that context means ‘Kill People.’  The software simply must work every time, no compromise, no guesswork, no exceptions. There are no ‘do overs’ or roll-backs.”

The “To the Moon!” Bitcoin meme is far more relevant than many realize.  Bitcoin is mission critical software.  It requires a vastly different engineering philosophy and design.  With a short, but fun piece by @Beautyon_, we break down the conceptual reasons why the development mentality of Bitcoin should be mirror the mentality of those designing software that carries men & woman to the moon.

Check out, and drop some applause on the original at the link below.  Don’t forget if you like this work that you can send a donation ot the posted address, along with exploring the many other articles from @beautyon_:

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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Guystake_016 – Drama, Drama, Toxic Drama

Curious about all the #BitcoinTwitter buzz recently?  I went digging to find the associated twitter threads & comments to read, and then discuss my own take on all the drama.   Too long; Didn’t Listen – • Don’t be a jerk. • We aren’t responsible for other people’s feelings. • If you have to choose…

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CryptoQuikRead_253 – The Magic Dust of Cryptography [dergigi]

Exploring the magic of cryptography using a magic hammer, gray dust, a magic potion, & a pair of very special pajama pants. Don’t miss another read from @Dergigi on the absolute magic of cryptography and how it will utterly change everything we think we know about the world.  We are entering a new era of…

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GuysTake_015 – The Bcash 51% Attack

In a crazy conversation from last night’s meet-up, I learned of discussion of a purposeful re-org, a 51% attack, on the #BCH chain by 2 miners.  After a few hours scrambling to pull details together this morning, this is what I’ve discovered so far.  Don’t miss this Guy’s Take episode all about the #Bcash 51%…

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CryptoQuikRead_252 – Bitcoin’s Security is Fine [Dan Held]

Is Bitcoin’s security going to be unreliable, volatile, or could it even fail entirely when we lose the block subsidy? Or is #Bitcoin set to operate smoothly with a natural transition from newly minted bitcoin, to transaction fees?  Exploring the security of Bitcoin in the next economic era, with Dan Held‘s amazing piece, “Bitcoin’s Security…

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CryptoQuikRead_251 – Use of Knowledge in Society [Part 2 – F. A. Hayek]

The brilliance of the price system is in coordinating the values, deeply limited knowledge and scarce resources precisely to their highest value need without having to understand or be aware of every single change in supply, alternatives, and uses of those resources among the economic participants.  It is specifically because we only receive the most…

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CryptoQuikRead_250 – Use of Knowledge in Society [Part 1 – F. A. Hayek]

Is the idea of a central decision maker for the economy just a problem of gathering all the right information and having the most intelligent in control? Or is there a far more fundamental problem with the entire notion? Continuing our #Bitcoin economics week, today we dive into a piece on a concept we haven’t…

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CryptoQuikRead_249 – Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, & That’s Great! [Conner Brown]

Diving into a great piece by Conner Brown exploring the subjectivity of value, and why Bitcoin’s lack of “intrinsic value” is a benefit, not a hinderance. Does this aspect of Bitcoin, and the nature of money align with history? Does it challenge great economic thinkers & their theories? Or is it a natural next step…

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CryptoQuikRead_249 – Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, & That’s Great! [Conner Brown]

Diving into a great piece by Conner Brown exploring the subjectivity of value, and why Bitcoin’s lack of “intrinsic value” is a benefit, not a hinderance. Does this aspect of Bitcoin, and the nature of money align with history? Does it challenge great economic thinkers & their theories? Or is it a natural next step in the growing possibilities of the digital world?  Don’t miss a fun episode starting off another week on Bitcoin economics!

Dont forget to follow Conner Brown on Twitter and explore his other work on Medium.  Drop some major applause for this excellent piece at the link below:

And a reminder to donate if you would like to contribute to the “Bitcoin Attackers Wiki” bounty being organized by JW Weatherman here:

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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