Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

CryptoQuikRead_081 – What we Talk About When We Talk About Blockchain

“the supposedly naive crypto-anarchists types may be the only ones actually grounded in reality, while the supposedly pragmatic, business-oriented, “it’s about the technology, stupid” crowd may prove to be hopelessly confused.” Another great article brought to us by Daniel Goldman on the Abacus Crypto Journal exploring the real value of blockchains:https://blog.theabacus.io/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-blockchain-technology-4f7a6a0dc03?token=DmDDUIsWZVtMBI7Q — Send in a…

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CryptoQuikRead_080 – Amid Chaos, Our Decentralized Future is Being Built

“These prospects have stirred a hive mind of dreamers and fueled an unprecedented bout of economic speculation. We don’t know where it’s headed. But we sense something profound is afoot…”  Don’t forget to check out the full article at CoinDesk as well as @mikejcasey’s other works:https://www.coindesk.com/amid-chaos-decentralized-future-built/ — Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_079 – The Security Token Thesis

Is the future of finance an internet of interoperable and programmable tokens?  Stephen McKeon covers the possibilities in his Security Token thesis.  Listen to learn more about the advantages and drawbacks of tokenizing the world. Link to the full article, and many other excellent works by Stephen McKeon and others:https://hackernoon.com/the-security-token-thesis-4c5904761063 — Send in a voice…

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CryptoQuikRead_078 – Tari Blockchain for Digital Assets on Monero

Eric Kuebler at Bitcoin magazine gives us an introduction into Tari, the sidechain for digital assets and the Lightning Network built on top of Monero.  Learn more in today’s Quik Read! Check out the full article and Eric’s other works at Bitcoin Magazine:https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/tari-introduces-blockchain-protocol-digital-assets-built-monero/ — Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_077 – Ethereum Blockchain Exceeds 1TB!

@StopAndDecrypt gives us an excellent breakdown of  the state of the over-stressed Ethereum blockchain.  Do the trends spell disaster for the smart contract platform, or is there a way out?  Listen to find out and be prepared to learn! Check out the full article for all the links and graphics and dont forget to follow…

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CryptoQuikRead_076 – The Verge Hack, Explained

An excellent breakdown of the recent attacks and corresponding vulnerabilities in the Verge cryptocurrency.  From Daniel Goldman and The Abacus Crypto Journal, listen to learn all about the time-warp vulnerability and the ongoing attack.  Enjoy! Don’t forget to check out Daniel Goldman’s other works and follow him for his future articles:https://blog.theabacus.io/@dzack23 — Send in a…

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CryptoQuikRead_075 – Homo Sapiens, Evolution, Money & Bitcoin

An exploration of history, anthropology, communication and evolution searching for the answers to what money is, what Bitcoin is, and why this innovation is so important.  From Aleksandar Svetski, enjoy a journey through human and bitcoin nature.  Link to the article, check out the graphics and many links included to dig deeper into the topic:https://hackernoon.com/homo-sapiens-evolution-money-bitcoin-33f69701deAnd The list of those to…

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CryptoQuikRead_075 – Homo Sapiens, Evolution, Money & Bitcoin

An exploration of history, anthropology, communication and evolution searching for the answers to what money is, what Bitcoin is, and why this innovation is so important.  From Aleksandar Svetski, enjoy a journey through human and bitcoin nature. 
Link to the article, check out the graphics and many links included to dig deeper into the topic:https://hackernoon.com/homo-sapiens-evolution-money-bitcoin-33f69701deAnd The list of those to follow and subscribe to presented in the article.  Looking for more incredible information? Find these individuals:
Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Naval Ravikant
Jimmy Song
Trace Mayer
Kyle Samani
Chris Burniske
Brian Koralewski
Yannick Roux
Giacomo Zucco
Saifedean Ammous
Tuur Demeester
Vitalik Buterin
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_074 – Securing Your Financial Sovereignty

The true disruptive potential of Bitcoin is that we can guarantee our own financial sovereignty without trusting anyone else.  Don’t be a second class Bitcoin citizen, listen to Jameson Lopp’s article explaining how to be Bitcoin sovereign! Don’t forget to check out the links and information for setting up your own full node:https://medium.com/@lopp/securing-your-financial-sovereignty-3af6fe834603  And of…

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CryptoQuikRead_073 – Introducing TxTenna: Decentralizing the Last Mile in Bitcoin

Building a robust, censorship resistant, and globally available financial network, reliance on centralized networking infrastructure becomes one of the most significant points of failure.  GoTenna and Samurai Wallet are building the tools to make this a problem of the past.  Listen to the great article by richard myers introducing TxTenna!  Check out the other links…

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