Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

CryptoChat_005 – Brady Swenson on Being an Informed Bitcoin Citizen

Hashing out all the major pain points, who to trust, building your filter, and where to start when it comes to learning everything about Bitcoin today!  Don’t miss a fun chat with @CitizenBitcoin. Check out the podcast over at:https://citizenbitcoin.world/ The exciting developments I shared from the intro can be found here:https://medium.com/casa/announcing-the-casa-lightning-node-596df7a7427https://store.casa/lightning-node [Store]https://t.me/SamouraiWallet [Telegram]https://samouraiwallet.com/   Support the show:Looking to Secure…

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CryptoQuikRead_143 – The Time Value of Bitcoin

“Lightning Network provides a framework to measure the time-value of bitcoin, a precursor for a capital market and reserve currency status.” -Nik Bhatia   Today we jump back into @timevalueofbtc’s 4 part series with Part 2, ”The Time Value of Bitcoin.” Don’t forget to check out his many other articles and discussion on building financial…

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CryptoQuikRead_142 – Chaincode’s Residency Program Is Back, This Time With Lightning

— “Lightning is a promising technology, but right now, very few people are fluent with it,” Chaincode Labs engineer James O’Beirne told Bitcoin Magazine.– Another great piece form Amy Castor at Bitcoin Magazine. Today we read “Chaincode’s Residency Program is Back, This Time with Lightning” Check out the article and the incredible work happening over at @BitcoinMagazine:https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/chaincodes-residency-program-back-time-lightning-app-classes/Explore the long list of…

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CryptoQuikRead_141 – Fat Protocols Aren’t New

“People have speculated on what a future with fat protocols will look like. File sharing protocols aren’t exactly the same, but they have a lot of similarities we can learn from.” @backus Today we read one from John Backus about the history of P2P file sharing protocols and what the #Bitcoin and #Crypto communities could learn from…

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CryptoQuikRead_140 – Lightning Network 2.0 [Part 2]

“That’s right: while we’re here still trying to wrap our minds around Layer 2 solutions, these mad scientists are already proposing a system with three layers” @DZack23  Today we conclude the incredible piece by Daniel Goldman on the new tools of “The Lightning Network 2.0” [Part 2]. Check out the full article, @DZack23’s other work, and tons more at The Abacus Crypto…

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CryptoQuikRead_139 – Lightning Network 2.0 [Part1]

“Thing is, as these debates rage on, there’s a community of developers coming up with new ideas and, ya know, actually building stuff.” @DZack23  Today we explore a breakdown of the specific limitations of Lightning, and technologies being built to break through them, with Part 1 of The Lightning Network 2.0 by Daniel Goldman.  …

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CryptoQuikRead_138 – Traditional Bitcoin Mixers

“Thinking about it, isn’t it ironic that, over the past years I wrote about every Bitcoin privacy technique in existence, except the one that 99% of all users use?”  @nopara73 Today we dive into a great short article on traditional Bitcoin mixing servies from the ultimate in Privacy development @nopara73!  Don’t miss this one to close…

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CryptoQuikRead_137 – Half of the Remaining Bitcoin Supply is ‘Spoken For’

“At least 99M People intend to own crypto, but don’t yet.” @RyanRadloff A fun exploration by Ryan Radloff on the different demographics who intend to invest in Bitcoin & Crypto, and what might drive the next Bitcoin adoption cycle.Drop some applause on the medium article and check out the CoinShares Blog:https://medium.com/coinshares/half-of-the-remaining-non-minted-bitcoin-supply-is-spoken-for-10df2a45e45d   Support the show:Looking to Secure your…

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CryptoQuikRead_136 – The Panama Canal and The Bitcoin Lightning Network

“So instead, I’m going to tell a story that makes the function of the Lightning Network less abstract and hopefully, easier to picture in your mind. We will do this by explanation of the system that runs The Panama Canal.”     @TheCryptoconomy Dont forget to drops some applause on my article if you enjoyed this episode…

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CryptoQuikRead_135 – The Hard Thing About Learning Hard Things

“In the end, learning is both science and art. It is science when your domain is structured, and art when it is not.” @Hosseeb Don’t miss today’s episode about learning the things that no one can teach you. Reading “The Hard Thing About Learning Hard Things” by Haseeb Qureshi. Drop some Applause at the full…

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