
Check Your Financial Privilege

“only 13% of our planet’s population is born into the dollar, euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar or Swiss Franc. The other 87% are born into autocracy or considerably less trustworthy currencies. 4.3 billion people live under authoritarianism, and 1.2 billion people live under double- or triple-digit inflation.” – Alex Gladstein

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Read_526 – Check Your Financial Privilege [Alex Gladstein]

“only 13% of our planet’s population is born into the dollar, euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar or Swiss Franc. The other 87% are born into autocracy or considerably less trustworthy currencies. 4.3 billion people live under authoritarianism, and 1.2 billion people live under double- or triple-digit inflation.” – Alex Gladstein Another…

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One Does Not Simply Censor Bitcoin

“How does anyone censor something abstract and intangible; something that can consist of an arrangement of numbers and letters, and can be transported via any medium? What do you do? Ban pen and paper? Phone calls and the spoken word? Smoke signals? Morse code? To what end?” – Grubles

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Read_525 – One Does Not Simply Censor Bitcoin [Grubles]

“How does anyone censor something abstract and intangible; something that can consist of an arrangement of numbers and letters, and can be transported via any medium? What do you do? Ban pen and paper? Phone calls and the spoken word? Smoke signals? Morse code? To what end?” – Grubles Are you hoping to censor Bitcoin?…

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The 7 Primal Elements of Bitcoin

“one of the main reasons for Bitcoin’s success is something that resonates with us as humans on a much deeper level: the primal elements of its brand, which when combined, turn it into a belief system.” – Paulo Sacramento

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Read_524 – The 7 Primal Elements of Bitcoin [Paulo Sacramento]

“one of the main reasons for Bitcoin’s success is something that resonates with us as humans on a much deeper level: the primal elements of its brand, which when combined, turn it into a belief system.” – Paulo Sacramento Today we go deeper than the technical aspects of Bitcoin, less about the code and innovation…

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Guy’s Take #45 – A Mental Framework for Scaling

No matter how often we cover these ideas, it still seems astonishingly common for new people to fall into the same old fallacies and the same misguided thinking. In this episode I try to cover all the major problems with the “raise the blocksize” mentality, and why its thinking incorrectly about what the system even provides, and most importantly how it provides it.

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Guy’s Take #45 – A Mental Framework for Scaling

No matter how often we cover these ideas, it still seems astonishingly common for new people to fall into the same old fallacies and the same misguided thinking. In this episode I try to cover all the major problems with the “raise the blocksize” mentality, and why its thinking incorrectly about what the system even…

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Fiat, Fascism, & Communism

“Bitcoin’s security guarantee comes from the direct conversion of unforgeable energy into a fixed supply unit on an incorruptible monetary network. There is no alternative that exists that is more sound, efficient, effective and rooted in the physical laws of the very universe itself.” – Aleks Svetski

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Read_523 – Fiat, Fascism, & Communism [Aleks Svetski]

“Bitcoin’s security guarantee comes from the direct conversion of unforgeable energy into a fixed supply unit on an incorruptible monetary network. There is no alternative that exists that is more sound, efficient, effective and rooted in the physical laws of the very universe itself.” – Aleks Svetski What is the true nature of our government…

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