
PART 2: The Inflation/Deflation Debate

“deflation is the natural order of a productive economy. If we were using a hard money standard like gold, for example, we would expect products to get cheaper over time relative to the value of our golden money, thanks to technological and productivity improvements over time, which make them cheaper relative to the number of labor hours required to produce them.” – Lyn Alden

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Read_529 – PART 2: The Inflation/Deflation Debate [Lyn Alden]

“deflation is the natural order of a productive economy. If we were using a hard money standard like gold, for example, we would expect products to get cheaper over time relative to the value of our golden money, thanks to technological and productivity improvements over time, which make them cheaper relative to the number of…

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QE, MMT, Inflation & Deflation – Part 1

“Quantitative easing (QE) occurs when central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, create new money to buy government bonds or other securities. Some people fear that it will cause high inflation or even hyper-inflation and that it is essentially money-printing, while others suggest that it has no impact on inflation because the money that is newly-created or “printed” gets locked away… Based on history and math, the inflationary side of the argument is eventually correct, but with a lot of nuance along the way.” – Lyn Alden

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Read_529 – QE, MMT, Inflation & Deflation – Part 1 [Lyn Alden]

“Quantitative easing (QE) occurs when central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, create new money to buy government bonds or other securities. Some people fear that it will cause high inflation or even hyper-inflation and that it is essentially money-printing, while others suggest that it has no impact on inflation because the money that…

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Read_529 – QE, MMT, Inflation & Deflation – Part 1 [Lyn Alden]

“Quantitative easing (QE) occurs when central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, create new money to buy government bonds or other securities. Some people fear that it will cause high inflation or even hyper-inflation and that it is essentially money-printing, while others suggest that it has no impact on inflation because the money that is newly-created or “printed” gets locked away… Based on history and math, the inflationary side of the argument is eventually correct, but with a lot of nuance along the way.” – Lyn Alden
Another amazing piece from Lyn Alden breaking down & “steel manning” the concepts of QE & MMT.  How they claim to work in theory and when they are/are not “money printing” and what their major failures are. This is a great one for making sense of the macroeconomic situation and trying to wrap your head around some of these very vague and often purposefully obscure concepts around monetary policy to get down to the truth behind what’s happening.

Check out the charts and other great links to dig deeper down the rabbit hole on these topics, or get a head start on tomorrows Part 2:

7 Misconceptions About Bitcoin:

The Fraying of the Petrodollar System Part 1 & 2:

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Orange is the New Green

“Money condenses energy. Bitcoin is the first and only tool we have for converting electric energy to monetary energy. Now what does this do to the energy market?” – Knut Svanholm

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Read_529 – Orange is the New Green [Knut Svanholm]

“Money condenses energy. Bitcoin is the first and only tool we have for converting electric energy to monetary energy. Now what does this do to the energy market?” – Knut Svanholm Amidst all the craziness around the Bitcoin & energy debate, its time to visit another great piece by returning author Knut Svnaholm of “Sovereignty…

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Guy’s Take #46 – Bitcoin is Dead… Again

The price took a near 30% dump today. So let’s talk about it.

A short episode today while I take care of my pup. Have you been distraught with the current price swings? That only means you are doing something wrong, or you don’t yet understand what you are buying into. Conviction comes with experience & knowledge. Today you gain experience, Bitcoin Audible will help you with your knowledge 😘

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Guy’s Take #46 – Bitcoin is Dead… Again

The price took a near 30% dump today. So let’s talk about it. A short episode today while I take care of my pup. Have you been distraught with the current price swings? That only means you are doing something wrong, or you don’t yet understand what you are buying into. Conviction comes with experience…

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#005 – Why Your Altcoin is Worthless – The Clubhouse Debate

Back from the dead! Shitcoin Insider returns with a lengthy discussion of money, networks, altcoins, their merits, the lack of, & everything else in a marathon discussion on Clubhouse. Don’t forget to subscribe, drop your criticisms, questions, & insults to the @ShitcoinInsider Twitter handle. And in the meantime, enjoy Episode #005.

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