
Venezuala Launches “Petros” Cryptocurrency Amid Growing Skepticism

Venezuela is taking a deep dive into the crypto world in a last ditch effort to save its failing economy. Find out more in today’s quick read.

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Bulletproofs, Faster Rangeproofs, and Much More

Cypherpunks write code. Learn what new innovations in cryptography are being built to power the future of cryptocurrency.

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Bitcoiner Faces Charges After Selling BTC to an Undercover Cop

Selling Bitcoin to an undercover cop landed @NODEfather in prison. Find out why in today’s Crypto Quick Read!

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Wyoming House Unanimously Approves Two Pro-Blockchain Bills

Is Wyoming set to become the nation’s most Bitcoin friendly state? Listen to learn more!

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Lightning Enables Unicast Transactions in Bitcoin

Is Lightning the TCP/IP of Bitcoin? An analogy that breakdowns the scaling implications and understanding of how layers will build the future we envision today. By Melik Manukyan

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How Easy Money is Rotting America from the Inside-Out

What are the consequences of America’s monetary policy? Listen to find out.

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Bitcoin Turning into a Multi Layered System

Ber Kessels discusses the value of Bitcoin becoming a secure and reliable transport layer for a new protocol stack for transferring value. The most exciting advancement for crypto in 2018.

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What You May Not Understand About Crypto Millionaires

What is the mission and the purpose of Bitcoin? Get a glimpse into the crypto millionaires who have built, and continue to build, Bitcoin into the open and decentralized financial foundation for a new world.

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SEC Chair’s Written Testimony

Another article from Bitcoin Magazine detailing the SEC Chair’s testimony and what regulation for Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, and ICOs will likely be moving forward. Things are changing quickly, staying informed will be crucial. Share this podcast with a friend if you agree!

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