Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

Read_615 – The State vs Bitcoin [Steve Barbour]

“As with freedom and oppression, Bitcoin and State money may exist in a perpetual tug of war between ideals. Where State money relies on compulsory participation, Bitcoin offers completely...

Read_614 – …and Then They Fight You [SovrynMindset]

“Much more to say. This is just a starting point, but I’m interested in Bitcoin for its potential to reorient civilization to an existence rooted in truth. If adoption...

Read_613 – Against the Inevitability of Bitcoin [Ariel Deschapell]

“…This purpose flounders, however, if their own evangelists and the community at large fails to lay the groundwork and impetus to push ever deeper. As a community, we fail...

Read_612 – Energy Cancelled [Arthur Hayes]

“On a medium-term basis, it is time to back up the John Deere excavator and scoop up as much gold and Bitcoin as you can afford. This is it,...

Read_611 – The Freedom of Value [Dergig]

“Thus, given enough time and popularity, every movie, every song, and every document will be available to the general public for free. The nature of information does not allow...

Read_610 – The Invisible Cost of War – Part 2 [Alex Gladstein]

“In sum, the U.S. government has shown that — through the GFC, repo spike crisis in 2019 and pandemic crisis in 2020 — it is willing to do anything...

Read_609 – The Invisible Cost of War – Part 1 [Alex Gladstein]

“As detailed in Saifedean Ammous’s “The Fiat Standard,” in November 1914 the British government “issued the first war bond, aiming to raise 350 million pounds from private investors at...

Read_608 – Want to Stick it to the Elites? Use Bitcoin [Avik Roy]

“Aspiring Republican politicians and conservative opinionators love talking in darkened tones about the malevolence of elites. And yet, for all the fingers wagged and pixels rendered, conservatives have largely...

Read_607 – Implications of Outlawing Bitcoin [Dergigi]

“If having 12 words in your head is illegal, something is terribly wrong with the law. If the police storm your building because you are finding or creating a...