Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

Read_797 – The Next Big Thing Will Look Like a Toy

"One of the amazing things about the internet economy is how different the list of top internet properties today looks from the list ten years ago.  It wasn’t as if those former top companies were complacent – most of them acquired and built products like crazy to avoid being displaced. The reason big new things sneak…

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Guy’s Take_080 – But Bitcoin Wastes Energy

"Bitcoin wastes energy. You've heard it a million times. But what if its the exact opposite of the truth in every way? What if its actually our energy grid that is wasteful, and Bitcoin can fix it? What if its renewable energy that is unreliable and uneconomical, and bitcoin mining can balance it out. What…

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Read_796 – Stranded – How Bitcoin is Saving Wasted Energy

"One night during my visit to Bondo, Carl asked me to pause as the sunset was fading, to look at the hills around us: the lights were all turning on, all across the foothills of Mt. Mulanje. It was a powerful sight to see, and staggering to think that Bitcoin is helping to make it…

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Read_795 – Bitcoin is Dead (Long Live IBIT)

"To put it simply, there are now corporations with billions of dollars of investment in not just the asset, but the ecosystem. Mining is a huge economic drain on the system, and all it accomplishes is censorship resistance. If censorship resistance isn’t worth tens or hundred of billions or dollar per year to the corporations;…

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Chat_091 – Economic Myths & The Dollar’s Destiny with Dr. Robert Murphy

In today's chat we dive into destroying economic myths and unraveling the political divides of our time toward what future they may be leading us to. What can we make of the balkanization of the US, a push for Texas independence, the unraveling of a global reserve currency and what could we see in the…

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Read_794 – Open Letter To Prospective ETF Buyers

"Bitcoin enables perhaps the most powerful mode of ownership ever devised; it would be akin to gold inside a safe that can’t be penetrated with all the energy the universe, and with a password that you know but which could not be guessed over the entire lifetime of the universe." ~ Allen Farrington What if…

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Read_793 – How DigiCash Blew Everything

"Retrospectively, a lot of ex-DigiCash employees understand why Chaum was so paranoid.  As a cryptographer you have to assume the whole world is trying to rip you off.  A certain amount of paranoia is part of the job. Chaum had also worked for intelligence agencies, and that didn't fortify his faith in the good intentions…

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Chat_090 – The Danger of Being Right Too Early with Devon Eriksen

Sometimes in life and the course of history, there are moments where simply stating the truth, in a clear and understandable way, can stir a fire in thousands or even millions of people. Devon Eriksen, author and destroyer of socialist nonsense, joins us today to get to know him and his perspective. We discuss the…

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"I hope Bitcoin sticks around and grows more popular, but in its current form to most in #TradFi it is the opposite of SOUND MONEY, especially if it takes cult-like behavior to make it grow. It needs the STATE to force its use on everyone. That is what makes it MONEY." ~ Samantha LaDuc Today…

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Read_792 – How CTV Helps Scale Bitcoin

"Part of the problem of Lightning’s shortcoming regarding scalability of Bitcoin ownership is that in order to open a channel, or control a UTXO, you actually have to transact on the base layer. After that Lightning can facilitate a very large number of transactions off-chain but a user must still transact on-chain to onboard themselves…

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