Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

Read_671 – Greenpeace Attacks Only Galvanize Bitcoiners [Daniel Batten]

“They will come to understand that Bitcoin is hope for non-violent revolutionaries in the environmental movement who seek to end the petrodollar, usher in a world that is not...

Read_670 – Capital Misallocation, Bitcoin Fixes this – Part 2 [Steven Lubka]

“The creation of new money by insiders debases the savings ability of the existing money. It is critically important for money to maintain value, as it reflects work which...

Read_669 – Capital Misallocation, Bitcoin Fixes this – Part 1 [Steven Lubka]

“Money facilities a system — the economy — that is too complex, too unpredictable and too uncertain to be modeled or reduced to neat quantifiable units. Expanding humanity’s productive...

Read_668 – Why Proof of Stake Wont be Used for Intergalactic First Contact [Buck Perley]

“A universal law can be understood to be an objective, observable, and eternal description of some facet of the universe. As such, they can be independently discovered by disparate...

Read_667 – The Final Bubble is Bursting [Myrmikan Research]

“One might ask: if much of the U.K. pension money was about to vanish, where was it going? Partly to the bankers, of course, but mostly, as with any...

Reboot – Wittgenstein’s Money [Allen Farrington]

“Imagine if all respectable business knowledge had been derived from studying large, established companies because there had never been a start-up in living memory. If a start-up then came...

Read_666 – Debunking the ESG Attacks on Bitcoin [Spencer Nichols]

“While Bitcoin does not litigate the ethics of hydrocarbon production, it is not controversial to point out that the dollar, in that it is sustained by the continuation of...

Read_665 – The Nature of Man, Proclaim Your Bitcoin Part 1 [Simply Bitcoin]

“to survive and prosper in this world, man can either make the things he needs and wants, or he can take them. This was true thousands of years ago...

Read_664 – Bitcoin Astronomy, The Third Law – Part 2 [Dhruv Bansal]

“But if technological civilizations are more common, then we must resolve the Fermi Paradox in a different way. We know that any “solution” is really an a reflection in the...