Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

Guy’s Take_081 – Fiat Materialism

I'm sure you have heard the claim that without inflation and the good people running the counterfeit machine, people would never spend money and it would cause an economic...

Read_805 – Dear Crypto & Fiat Bros

"Whether you're a rekt crypto bro or a friend of fiat, there is one thing that is especially difficult to accept. The one thing that sets Bitcoin apart: it...

Read_804 – The Past, Present, & Future of Offline Payments

"It might feel as if the promised future is perpetually out of reach, but building Lightning is a lot like climbing a mountain. Climbers never really see the summit...

Read_803 – Inflation in a HyperBitcoinized World

"Izzy said there could be inflation in a hyperbitcoinized world. And she's right. Calm down, maxis, calm down! Explaining why this is true sheds light on yet another of...

Chat_093 – P2P Payments for the World with Roy Sheinfeld

"I'm super confident that lightning is not just the present but also the future of lightning. It is the interoperability layer between all things Bitcoin." ~ Roy Sheinfeld What...

Read_802 – How Inflation Destroys Civilization

"The foregoing considerations are by no means an exhaustive account of the cultural and spiritual legacy of fiat inflation. But they should suffice to substantiate the main point: that...

Read_801 – To Dust You Shall Return

"During the peak transaction fee times over the past month, our example transaction would be dust even for .001 BTC. That’s a little less than $50 at current market...

Chat_092 – Second Coming of the P2P Web

We had an awesome chat on Twitter Spaces where we discuss the launch of Pear Runtime, bringing Paolo Arduino, Mathias Buus, David Markclem, Samson Mow, and Giacomo Zucco! We...

Read_800 – Mining Misinformation – How the UN Misrepresents Bitcoin Mining

"For too long, the world has had to endure the fallout of subpar academic research on bitcoin mining’s energy use and environmental impact. The outcome of this bullshit research...