Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

Read_655 – The Legendary Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto [Tomer Strolight]

“Everyone loves a good origin story. Some are true, some made-up, and some a mix of the two. The true origin story of Bitcoin’s appearance in the world is one of the most fascinating mysteries ever told. Yet these events all took place in the 21st century, a time when everything is recorded, and can…

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Guy’s Take #59 – We’re Not Going Anywhere

“Bitcoin is not merely a network, it’s a foundation for an anti-authoritarian political movement in an increasingly authoritarian world. If you’re looking for why so many people are deeply passionate about Bitcoin & nothing else, start there.” – Guy Swann Today I decide to rant about what Bitcoin maximalism means to me, why I am…

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Read_654 – A Bitcoiner’s Guide to Proof of Stake [Scott Sullivan]

“This brings us to our fourth principle behind PoS, which is that **PoS relies on subjective truth**. There is simply no objective way to pick between two competing blockchains, and any new nodes to the network must ultimately trust some existing source of truth to resolve any ambiguity. This contrasts significantly with Bitcoin, where the…

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Read_653 – Finding Signal in a Noisy World [Jeff Booth]

“That misinformation in the form of money wouldn’t just create polarization. Because money connects value between people and nations, it would drive a tremendous misallocation of capital and resources as individual actors in the system all made the system worse with their actions to make enough money to escape the system.” – Jeff Booth Today…

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Read_652 – Setting the Record Straight [Nic Carter]

“I’m going to clear things up here because most of the people piling on were deeply confused about me, my firm, and what I do. And yes, I’m including some choice words for the self-described Bitcoin maximalists. You asked for it. You got it.” – Nic Carter Nic takes to his medium page to denounce…

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Read_651 – The Path to a Bitcoin Standard in Africa [Charlene Fadirepo]

“I believe Africa represents the most elegant use case for a Bitcoin standard in existence. In the paragraphs that follow I will explain why.” – Charlene Fadirepo Africa is a hugely under-appreciated, yet massive part of the Bitcoin universe that is growing into its own, due to multiple factors, the case for a Bitcoin standard…

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Read_650 – How to Be a Bitcoin Maximalist [Pete Rizzo]

“Cryptocurrency market-isms are built on claims about the economic and computer science advances Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have achieved, and thus have a direct relationship to those claims. While some are the product entirely of fandom, others are more complex, attempting to both define a scientific position, and then encourage beliefs and conduct based on those claims.”…

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Read_649 – The Continual Power of Intermittent Mining [Zack Voell]

“Many aspects of the Bitcoin mining industry are poorly understood and often misrepresented. But one practice in this sector stands apart for the misunderstandings and under-appreciation that surround it: intermittent mining.” – Zack Voell One of the most under appreciated aspects of Bitcoin mining is its ability to be interrupted. As a buyer of last resort…

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Read_648 – Bitcoin is the Hills [Captain Sidd]

“A study of the hill tribes of Southeast Asia titled “The Art Of Not Being Governed” provided a fresh take. The author, James C. Scott, posits that the hill tribes were not “left behind” by the valley states but instead composed of refugees from the negative consequences of state-making down in the valleys: bondage, tribute,…

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Read_647 – Understanding Decentralization in Bitcoin [Arman the Parman]

“The answer that matters depends on the context. The context you need to have is that cryptocurrency, i.e. Bitcoin, was invented/discovered initially to allow a money by the people that cannot be shut down by government. In that context, the most important element to be decentralized is the network of Nodes. — If the nodes are not decentralized, nothing else decentralized matters….

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