Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

Guy’s Take #61 – Blockchains, A Square Peg for Round Holes

There are about a million claims out there as to what blockchains are going to fix, and how NFTs are going to be used to unlock your house, and how DAOs will be used to enforce and decide laws, but what truth is there to this really? And more importantly, does a blockchain really solve…

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Read_682 – Data Shows That Lightning Solves Scaling [Kozlovski]

“A data-driven exploration proving that Lightning scales bitcoin payments beyond Visa and that second-layer innovation is the way.” – Stanislov Kozlovski Check out the original article at: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/lighting-network-makes-bitcoin-scalable Boost Bitcoin Audible on Fountain to get the best Bitcoin podcast to the top of the leaderboards 😘 Don’t forget to check out our amazing sponsors: •…

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Read_681 – The Twitter Files – Part 1 [Matt Taibbi]

“They just freelanced it,” is how one former employee characterized the decision. “Hacking was the excuse, but within a few hours, pretty much everyone realized that wasn’t going to hold. But no one had the guts to reverse it.” – Matt Taibbi Didn’t have time to read that whole thread on the censorship of Twitter…

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Read_680 – Green Eggs and Ham, Part 2 [Farrington & Big Al]

“We believe the core of the cultural fissure between crypto and bitcoin comes down to financialization. While the ethos of bitcoin is to definancialize, the ethos of crypto is to financialize. We repeat our characterization of this tendency from above: DeFi engages in arbitrary and automatable combinations of seigniorage, securitization, rehypothecation, and leverage. It is…

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Read_680 – Green Eggs and Ham, Part 2 [Farrington & Big Al]

“We believe the core of the cultural fissure between crypto and bitcoin comes down to financialization. While the ethos of bitcoin is to definancialize, the ethos of crypto is to financialize. We repeat our characterization of this tendency from above: DeFi engages in arbitrary and automatable combinations of seigniorage, securitization, rehypothecation, and leverage. It is the purest form of financialization ever conceived: the financialization of … nothing at all.” – Allen Farrington, & Anders Larson

Part 2 of the epic piece from Big Al and Allen Farrington on the conceptual, technical, and cultural failures of DeFi, and why it is, in fact, neither “decentralized,” nor “finance.” Another incredible piece for making some sense out of the insanity of crypto, especially in the wake of the FTX fraud.

If you haven’t yet listened to Part 1, do so before digging into the second half or you may be a little lost… but hey that’s just me. You do you:

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Don’t forget to check out our amazing sponsors:
• Dive into the Bitcoin only wallet, the cypherpunk calculator, and a company that has built secure Bitcoin products for nearly a decade. Code BITCOINAUDIBLE gets 10% off everything in the store until Christmas! (guyswann.com/coldcard)
• Gets sats back every time you dump fiat at a store, to pay your bills, everything in your fiat life pays you sats with the Fold Debit Card and FoldApp. 5,000 FREE SATS at (guyswann.com/fold)
• The best place to onboard a true Bitcoiner – Stack sats automatically, withdraw automatically, and learn or get help from the best team of Bitcoiners out there with Swan Bitcoin. (swanbitcoin.com/guy)


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Read_679 – Green Eggs and Ham, Part 1 [Farrington & Larson]

“One counterargument might be that the de facto state capture of Ethereum in gradually becoming more and more OFAC compliant could, at the same time, be said to give it practical grounds to become more accepted as money via state enforcement, and more transparent than fiat currencies in traditional finance also. However, the cost is,…

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Read_679 – Green Eggs and Ham, Part 1 [Farrington & Larson]

“One counterargument might be that the de facto state capture of Ethereum in gradually becoming more and more OFAC compliant could, at the same time, be said to give it practical grounds to become more accepted as money via state enforcement, and more transparent than fiat currencies in traditional finance also. However, the cost is, once again, explicitly the loss of decentralization, so whatever kind of money it is, it is not decentralized and therefore cannot contribute to credibly decentralized finance.” – Allen Farrington, & Anders Larson

Today we dive into the first half of another amazing piece on understanding both the conceptual and technical limitations of decentralized finance, as well as trying to discern what the point of decentralized finance really is, and what it might look like when we see a sustainable & capital forming version of it come to be. Let’s dive in!

Check out the original with tons of footnotes and links for digging further and verifying the claims and data shared in the piece:

Boost Bitcoin Audible on Fountain to get the best Bitcoin podcast to the top of the leaderboards

Don’t forget to check out our amazing sponsors:
• Dive into the Bitcoin only wallet, the cypherpunk calculator, and a company that has built secure Bitcoin products for nearly a decade. Code BITCOINAUDIBLE gets 10% off everything in the store until Christmas! (guyswann.com/coldcard)
• Gets sats back every time you dump fiat at a store, to pay your bills, everything in your fiat life pays you sats with the Fold Debit Card and FoldApp. 5,000 FREE SATS at (guyswann.com/fold)
• The best place to onboard a true Bitcoiner – Stack sats automatically, withdraw automatically, and learn or get help from the best team of Bitcoiners out there with Swan Bitcoin. (swanbitcoin.com/guy)


“money that is easy to produce is no money at all, and easy money does not make a society richer; on the contrary, it makes it poorer by placing all its hard‐earned wealth for sale in exchange for something easy to produce.”
― Saifedean Ammous
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Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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Read_678 – Toward a Node World Order [Micheal Goldstein]

“A bitcoin full node is a certainty machine. When a user runs a full node, they are granted a level of certainty about a monetary network that no human had prior to bitcoin’s existence. Every other monetary technology is riddled with uncertainties. Bitcoin fixes this.” – Micheal Goldstein Bitstein is back with another banger of…

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Chat_75 – Opting Out with Matt Hill

On the nature of sovereignty, the challenges of the world we live in, the fog of war that has descended upon our lives, and on the tools and systems we need (and are building) in order to ensure we will find ourselves in a future of sovereign individuals. Opting Out with Matt Hill is a…

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Read_677 – Maturation of Lightning, Growing Up By Going Vertical [Roy Sheinfeld]

“As the Web became much more complex, we now engage with multiple companies for each of those functions. Including all the writing, editing, commenting, revising, and so on, even a simple post like this one will involve the services of a few ISPs, a few email providers, a few cloud storage platforms, a few cloud…

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