Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

Read_784 – How FinCEN May Be Violating your Rights

"I’ve done an overall analysis of the proposal by addressing seven different sections of where FinCEN is attempting to infringe on your rights. From violating the sanctity of your personal information and restricting your financial autonomy, to stifling your freedom of speech and association, I’ll unpack each area. This is about shining a light on…

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Read_783 – Ordinals Are Fiat, Inscriptions Aren’t Rare

"Nothing in the ordinal logic requires inscriptions to be linked to the “first” sat. So why is it the first sat of the first output? Why not the second sat of the first output? Why not the last, or one of the other hundreds, thousands, or millions of other satoshis which were also present in…

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Read_782 – The Ethics of Emergencies

The principle that one should help men in an emergency cannot be extended to regard all human suffering as an emergency and to turn the misfortune of some into a first mortgage on the lives of others.” ~ Ayn Rand Today we are going to turn some concepts on their head. I hope that this…

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Read_781 – The Censorship Industrial Complex, CTIL Files 01

"Many people insist that governments aren't involved in censorship, but they are. And now, a whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and Facebook Files in scale and importance." ~ Michael Shellenberger From time we time we get a lucky glimpse into the mindset and…

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Read_780 – Lightning is Doomed!

"A reality check on the limitations of Lightning Network, and what that means in terms of its long term viability. No, it's not doomed, but it probably won't be used the way you expected it to be." ~ Shinobi What has happened to lightning? With fees skyrocketing thanks to Ordinals bloating blockspace, tons of payments…

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Guy’s Take_076 – Fiat Money’s Dark Secret

The free market works because economic decisions are made by people who have skin in the game. When you spend $100 you have earned, you understand the cost. It was your sweat the created the gain, and no one can understand that cost better than you when you go to spend it. Genuine value information,…

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PSA – Farewell Nodeless

Nodeless is dead. Long live Nodeless. Unfortunately the Nodeless payment service has had to shut down, but for anyone who needs to get in touch for any issues then feel free to contact me or UTXO. Nodeless is also open source, so if you wish to setup an instance for yourself, the project is available…

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Read_779 – A Network of Keys

"Clients applying this reasoning should remember that, in bitcoin, no one is too big to fail. There is no government or money printer capable of restoring lost coins, so there are no bailouts. Trusting a single company, no matter their qualifications, to protect your bitcoin creates significant counterparty risk." ~ Dhruv Bansal We come at…

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Read_778 – Durabit, Incentivizing Torrent Seeders

"A recent anonymous proposal specifies a system using timelocked Bitcoin transactions and chaumian ecash mints to create an economic incentive for BitTorrent users to seed files." ~ Shinobi Bittorrent was one of the most important protocols in the world during its day, but it always had one striking drawback, for any content that wasn't very…

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Reboot – Bitcoin is Digital Scarcity

"The difference between the Linden Dollar, World of Warcraft Gold, Fortnite V-Bucks, the Euro, and the U.S. dollar is in scale, not in nature. While V-Bucks are created and controlled by Epic Games (the company that created Fortnite), the U.S. dollar is created and controlled by the Fed. One impacts millions of people, the other…

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