Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

CryptoQuikRead_072 – Another Game Changer | Blockstream’s Liquid

Liquid is finally arriving! The sidechain that could be a game changer for scalability, custodial trust, exchange privacy, and overall speed and liquidity throughout the crypto industry.  Listen to the introduction from @Billfodl_Wallet written by its founder @Colin_Aulds! Dont forget to check out the full article and the awesome products at billfodl.com!https://billfodl.com/blogs/fodl-blog/gamechanger-blockstream-liquid — Send in…

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CryptoQuikRead_071 – Why Blockchain is Hard

Are Bitcoin maximalists just cultist fools?  Or are they realists who have yet to see a solid case for alternative blockchains?  Hitting Jimmy Song’s article “Why Blockchain Is Hard” we find out what blockchain is, and what it isn’t.  Listen for more! Dont forget to check out the full article on Cong’s Medium page for…

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CryptoQuikRead_070 – Joe Lubin & Jimmy Song Bet Over Blockchain ‘Magic Dust’

The most entertaining panel discussion so far @Consensus2018 was between Joe Lubin, Amber Baldet, and Jimmy Song.  Song met the panel with uninhibited skepticism over the “blockchain hype.” We read David Floyd’s article for details on what happened as a lead into the next quick read.  Link to David Floyd’s article at Coindesk:https://www.coindesk.com/lubin-song-wager-bitcoin-blockchain-consensus/?utm_content=buffer432a3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer — Send…

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CryptoQuikRead_070 – Joe Lubin & Jimmy Song Bet Over Blockchain ‘Magic Dust’

The most entertaining panel discussion so far @Consensus2018 was between Joe Lubin, Amber Baldet, and Jimmy Song.  Song met the panel with uninhibited skepticism over the “blockchain hype.” We read David Floyd’s article for details on what happened as a lead into the next quick read.
 Link to David Floyd’s article at Coindesk:https://www.coindesk.com/lubin-song-wager-bitcoin-blockchain-consensus/?utm_content=buffer432a3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_069 – The State of Cryptocurrency Mining

This may be one of the most important articles I’ve read to date.  If you think you know about the intricacies, costs, and dynamics of ASIC manufacturing and Cryptocurrency mining, this quick read might prove you wrong.  David Vorick brings us this excellent piece that I consider “need-to-know” for anyone invested in POW coins.  Listen…

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CryptoQuikRead_068 – New Ideas Energize Ethereum, True Signaling Solution Still Elusive

New ideas take the stage at the EIP:0 meeting.  Governance, Inflation, Social Consensus, funds recovery and more.  Reading one of Rachel O’Leary’s great articles on Ethereum development, we explore a major turning point in Ethereum’s world.  Is it good, or could this spell disaster?  Listen to find out more! The full article, links to Rachel’s other…

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CryptoQuikRead_067 – Giacomo Zucco’s Epic Twitter Thread

[Trigger Warning!] Giacomo Zucco recently delivered an epic Twitter thread detailing why he thought bcash supporters were stupid.  He may not be the most diplomatic ambassador, but he certainly made some excellent arguments! Listen to find out more. Link to the unrolled Thread:https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/991438132812943369.html — Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_066 – Money, Blockchains, and Social Scalability

Szabo’s excellent essay on the specific trade-offs that empower Satoshi’s brilliant solution to the scaling of trust across human institutions.  Listen if you are ready to learn.Link to his blog and the full article with lfurther links to explore the topics discussed:https://unenumerated.blogspot.com/2017/02/money-blockchains-and-social-scalability.html — Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_065 – Lightning User Experience, A Day in the Life of Carol

With so many new features, tricks, and protocol changes, what will it be like to use lightning?  What will Carol, the user, need to know?  Listen to Bryan Vu’s story of Carol’s first day with Lightning from the Lightning Labs Blog. Link to the blog and full article:https://blog.lightning.engineering/posts/2018/05/02/lightning-ux.html Don’t forget to check out their other…

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CryptoQuikRead_064 – The Future of Bitcoin – What Lightning Could Look Like

Splicing Payments, Submarine Swaps, Atomic Swaps, Dual-Funded Channels, Eltoo, Channel Factories, AMPS, and More!  Listen to Aaron’s recent article to hear more of the awesome potential and the future of the Lightning Network.  Listen to the end for a special thank you for all the increxible work at Bitcoin Magazine and the always reliable Aaron Van Wirdum!Link to…

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