Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

Read_634 – The Words we Use in Bitcoin [DerGigi]

“In a world awash in euphemisms and blatant lies, calling something by its proper name is rebellious in itself. Bitcoin is about freedom and self-sovereignty, not about asking for...

Read_633 – The Utility of Saving [Pierre Rochard]

“People hold money to hedge against future uncertainty. This is why it is so crucial for a monetary system to optimize for minimizing its own uncertainty. Bitcoin’s purchasing power...

Guy’s Take #57 – Bitcoin Domino Theory

What if, sitting in the middle of a chaotic monetary environment, increasing capital controls, balkanizing political regimes, a failing petrodollar hegemony, collapsing institutional trust, increased sanctions & weaponized infrastructure,...

Guy’s Take #56 – The Cascading Dominoes – Part 1

I promised, and it’s finally here. It’s time to get a little perspective, with the price at all time lows, exchanges and lending platforms imploding, a massive crypto deleveraging...

Read_632 – Can Governments Stop Bitcoin? [Alex Gladstein]

“Coding, mining, infrastructure, and markets are all independent, happening in competing jurisdictions and geopolitical rivals, often done by anonymous or pseudonymous actors, all with different philosophies and goals, but...

Read_631 – The ECB is Trapped, Here’s Why [Lyn Alden]

“Base money is a liability of the central bank, and it’s used as a reserve asset by commercial banks. Broad money is the liability of commercial banks, and it’s...

Reboot – Everyone’s A Scammer [Michael Goldstein]

With the markets in chaos, with services halting withdraws, & Everyone’s a Scammer” by Michael Goldstein, is one of those works. Another piece that stood the test of time made...

Read_630 – Cry Harder [Francis Pouliot]

“Bitcoin is a lifeboat on the sinking fiat ship. Lifeboats on a sinking ship don’t need a marketing department.” – Francis P. As New York puts a ban on...

Read_629 – On Impossible Things Before Breakfast [NYDIG]

“The reverse of that process – a so-called “death spiral” – was inevitable. Any time the immeasurably over-levered global fiat monetary system, for whatever reason, experienced one of its...