Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

CryptoQuikRead_268 – Major Developments in LND 0.7

Tomorrow we have an awesome interview with Roy Sheinfeld all about the Breez Lightning service! To set the stage, today we dive into the recent Lightning Labs Blog post...

CryptoQuikRead_267 – Everyone’s a Scammer [Michael Goldstein]

Merchants are scammers, Keynesians are scammers, altcoins are scammers, Bitcoin “investments” are scammers, scammers are scammers, and even Bitcoin hoarders are scammers.  Everyone’s a scammer. There is a key...

CryptoChat_015 – Alex Adelman on Stacking Sats & Saving Money with Lolli

I was lucky enough to get the opportunity at the Bitcoin 2019 Conference to sit down with Alex Adelman, the CEO of Lolli, and talk all about how he...

CryptoChat_015 – Alex Adelman on Stacking Sats & Saving Money with Lolli

I was lucky enough to get the opportunity at the Bitcoin 2019 Conference to sit down with Alex Adelman, the CEO of Lolli, and talk all about how he got into Bitcoin and their crazy experience bursting into the Bitcoin scene!  This is definitely a crew to be watching closely as they continue to expand their service and grow with the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Shout out to Matt Senter! It was great meeting you & if you ever get the time we would love to have you out at the Raleigh Bitcoin Meetup!

Don’t forget to grab the extension and visit the website to start staking sats immediately!

Send in a voice message:

CryptoQuikRead_266 – How Many Wrongs Make A Wright [Part 2 – Jameson Lopp]

Today we finish the amazing journey through Jameson Lopp‘s thorough compilation of Craig Wright’s extensive efforts and complications in trying to convince the world he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the...

CryptoQuikRead_265 – How Many Wrongs Make a Wright [Part 1 – Jameson Lopp]

Did you hear about the guy who tried for years to convince the world he was Satoshi? If you ever wanted to explore the evidence against Craig Wright’s dubious...

CryptoChat_014 – Aleks Svetski on the Death of Blockchain

I got a chance to sit down with Aleks Svetski of the Amber App & blockchain bashing fame at the Bitcoin2019 conference. The Citizen Bitcoin crew joins us to...

CryptoQuikRead_264 – A Man Warned is Half Saved [beautyon_]

Another excellent piece by @beautyon_ and discussion on the nature of Bitcoin’s uncontestable monetary standard and what it means for our future.  Its not volatility or the risks of...

CryptoChat_013 – Richard Myers and a Lightning Powered Global Mesh

Today we have a great chat with Richard Myers all about the recently unveiled Lot49 protocol and how Global Mesh Labs intends to incentivize and help build a global,...