Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

Chat #58 – Preston Pysh on Monetary Revolutions

“The World is in Denial” – Preston Pysh Preston Pysh joins Bitcoin Audible to talk the horrible macro environment, the unraveling of the financial markets, the enormous risk of...

Guy’s Take #43 – The Sound of Inevitability

• Why Matt Odell is wrong about the OCC statement • Bullish review of the SeeTee Shareholder Letter • Microstrategy & 0% bonds • Jack Mallers taking over the...

Read_504 – SeeTee Shareholder Letter [Kjell Inge Røkke]

“We are not going to wait for the future – we want to join in building it as well! I encourage entrepreneurs to reach out to Seetee. The bigger...

Read_503 – Bitcoin is Time [DerGigi]

“This problem is precisely why all previous attempts of digital cash required a central­ized registry. You always had to trust someone to correctly identify the order of things. A central­ized party was required...

Read_502 – LOT true or false? The Last Hurdle for Taproot [Aaron Van Wirdum]

“As a consensus system without central authority, Bitcoin protocol upgrades can be challenging. If one segment of the network upgrades to a new version of the protocol before another...

Read_501 – The Capital Strip Mine [Allen Farrington]

“The most egregious falsehood regarding economic health that is nonetheless widely believed is surely that we ought to measure it by the magnitude of goods and services consumed. This is...

Read_500 – Decentralization, Why Dumb Networks are Better [Andreas Antonopolous]

“The Internet’s protocol (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol, or TCP/IP) doesn’t offer “services.” It doesn’t make decisions about content. It doesn’t distinguish between photos and text, video and audio. It...

Read_499 – The Bitcoin Black Hole Effect [William Clemente]

“If the US Dollar really was to reach an uncontrollable level of inflation, a last move by the Fed may be to do this same trade on a Federal...

Read_498 – Can Governments Stop Bitcoin? [Alex Gladstein]

“So far, it seems that when governments try to ban or restrict Bitcoin, it ends up merely accelerating the adoption of the currency inside their countries. Governments that have...