Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

CryptoQuikRead_242 – Neutrino is Dangerous to my Self-Sovereignty [Nicholas Dorier]

In the follow-up to yesterday’s article, we are covering Nicolas Dorier’s second article on Neutrino, detailing the systemic risks of widespread SPV, and breaking down the different types and specific consequences of various node setups on the network.  With the controversial stance that SPV threatens self-sovereignty more than even custodial wallets, Nicolas cedes no ground….

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CryptoQuikRead_241 – Why I Don’t Celebrate Neutrino [Nicholas Dorier]

Today we read an article from developer @nicolasdorier that illustrates why Neutrino might not be the panacea some seem to treat it as.  It certainly has its benefits, but its important to look critically at every proposal, to ensure we understand what is, not what we wish to be. Why I Don’t Celebrate Neutrino Don’t…

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CryptoChat_011 – Lightning, Paywall.Link, & the Bootstrap Bandit

Today we bring Tim K (@bootstrapbandit) on the show to talk all about the Lightning Network & a new tool he built at Paywall.Link.  Don’t miss this fun conversation about the positives and negatives of lightning, how easy it is to build for, and what the potential for this network is going forward.  Enjoy! Don’t…

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CryptoChat_011 – Lightning, Paywall.Link, & the Bootstrap Bandit

Today we bring Tim K (@bootstrapbandit) on the show to talk all about the Lightning Network & a new tool he built at Paywall.Link.  Don’t miss this fun conversation about the positives and negatives of lightning, how easy it is to build for, and what the potential for this network is going forward.  Enjoy!

Don’t forget to follow @BootstrapBandit on Twitter and check out what he is building over at Paywall.link.

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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CryptoQuikRead_240 – Rothbard on Utility Theory [Mises.org]

Today we grab a section out of one of the many incredible works by Murray N. Rothbard to discuss the idea of marginal utility and why money must be a good, and actually is not a unit of measure.  As value can only be measured as relational to another good, money follows the same law…

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The Case for Electronic Cash [Jerry Brito]

The full audio version of “The Case for Electronic Cash” by Jerry Brito. Abstract  Cash is more than a method of payment. It is a fundamental tool for individual privacy and autonomy, and it is necessary for an open society. This paper shows that a cashless economy is a surveillance economy. It also argues that…

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GuysTake_011 – Why Lightning Sucks

Lightning is complicated, difficult to use, sometimes doesn’t work properly, requires a lot of learning and experimentation, and is still a risky place to hold Bitcoin funds.  Doesn’t this make it a protocol destined to obscurity and disuse?  Doesn’t it mean that better, simpler options will simply replace it, and Bitcoin is to fail from…

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CryptoQuikRead_239 – How to Scale Bitcoin Without Changing a Thing [Part 2 – Nic Carter]

Even with #Bitcoin, are we destined for a future with intermediated payments?  Will that give us a different color of the same system we’re stuck with today, or will Bitcoin still prove to be a revolution in financial trust?  Lets dig deeper into the objections to Bitcoin Banks in Part 2 of @nic__carter’s “How to…

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CryptoQuikRead_238 – How to Scale Bitcoin Without Changing a Thing [Part 1 – Nic Carter]

“I believe that institutional scaling presents an under-appreciated scaling vector, and it is quite possible to employ it without significantly compromising Bitcoin’s assurances.” Don’t miss today’s article, another fantastic read by Nic Carter (@nic__carter), on the Finneyan view of scaling Bitcoin for its highest value proposition; creating a settlement network with the potential of correcting…

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CryptoQuikRead_237 – Casa Keymaster Security – Mobile Key Overview [Jameson Lopp]

Today we go through a recent blog post by Jameson Lopp and the Casa team that goes into the clever, meticulous design used to ensure the security and recoverability of the mobile key for their Keymaster app.  Don’t forget to check out the Casa blog to see the other exciting announcements and ongoing developments from…

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