Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

CryptoQuikRead_265 – How Many Wrongs Make a Wright [Part 1 – Jameson Lopp]

Did you hear about the guy who tried for years to convince the world he was Satoshi? If you ever wanted to explore the evidence against Craig Wright’s dubious claims but simply didn’t have the time to sit down and read it, this is the QuikRead for you.  Today we begin our journey through Jameson…

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CryptoChat_014 – Aleks Svetski on the Death of Blockchain

I got a chance to sit down with Aleks Svetski of the Amber App & blockchain bashing fame at the Bitcoin2019 conference. The Citizen Bitcoin crew joins us to hear his story of bashing ICOs at an ICO conference, and speaking about the Death of Blockchain at a blockchain conference.  Don’t miss this one. Aleks…

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CryptoQuikRead_264 – A Man Warned is Half Saved [beautyon_]

Another excellent piece by @beautyon_ and discussion on the nature of Bitcoin’s uncontestable monetary standard and what it means for our future.  Its not volatility or the risks of a scarce monetary supply, “The danger is being left out of Bitcoin.”  You have been warned. Plus I do a short follow-up and general thanks to…

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CryptoChat_013 – Richard Myers and a Lightning Powered Global Mesh

Today we have a great chat with Richard Myers all about the recently unveiled Lot49 protocol and how Global Mesh Labs intends to incentivize and help build a global, decentralized meshnet powered by Lightning!  Check out the website and read the whitepaper for a deep dive into the project: https://globalmeshlabs.org/ Don’t forget to join the…

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CryptoQuikRead_262 – The Bitcoin Time Traveler [Luka_Magnotta]

A message from the future… from 2013.  Just one of those memes that made its place in Bitcoin’s cultural history, we read the infamous Reddit post that laid out the bleak, Bitcoin-only future that lies ahead of us.  Can we stop it, before its too late? Link to the OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1lfobc/i_am_a_timetraveler_from_the_future_here_to_beg/ Donate below if you…

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CryptoQuikRead_262 – The Island of Stone Money [Milton Friedman]

Does money need some alternative utility?  Is there an example of virtual money that could be hundreds of years old?  Today we read about one of the most interesting analogies to the nature and value of Bitcoin in the piece, “The Island of Stone Money” by Milton Friedman.  Made available by the Hoover institute and…

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CryptoQuikRead_261 – The God Protocols [Nick Szabo]

“Imagine the ideal protocol. It would have the most trustworthy third party imaginable — a deity who is on everybody’s side. All the parties would send their input to this god. God would reliably determine the results and return the output. In addition, God, being the ultimate in confessional discretion, would ensure that no party…

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GuysTake_019 – Libra Doesn’t Compete with Bitcoin, But it Might Kill Ripple

All the buzz is about FacebookCoin, I mean FacePalmCoin, I mean Libra today with the release of the testnet and Libra.org giving much sought after details on the new protocol and what they seek to accomplish with it.  The big question, can it do any of what it says, and what other projects does it…

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CryptoQuikRead_260 – Why America Can’t Regulate Bitcoin [beautyon_]

This one should not be skipped!    There is a fascinating precedent set by case law and the long battles over PGP and US “munitions” laws, that gives us a rather clear conclusion on how Bitcoin should be treated by the US government.  The short version?  Bitcoin is speech, plain and simple, and should be…

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CryptoChat_12 – Talking Privacy, Bitcoin & the New Economy with the Raleigh Bitcoin Meetup

At the recent Raleigh Bitcoin meetup we had an awesome discussion all about privacy and bitcoin, and the intertwined destinies of both. Hanging out with some drinks and talking all about Bitcoin, what could be better?  Thanks to all the crew who helped out and participated! Be sure to check out: https://cryptoconomy.life/ The BitANN.io project…

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