Podcast: Bitcoin Audible

Read_427 – The Lightning Paradox [Alex B]

“The Jevons paradox is a staple of environmental economics used to describe how the introduction of more efficient technologies tends to increase the consumption of resources rather than decrease it.” – Alex B. Will Lightning steal fees from Bitcoin miners and threaten the security of Bitcoin into the future? Or will is be the aggregation…

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Read_426 – Discovering Bitcoin #3 Introducing Money [Giacomo Zucco]

“The goods that fare better in hardness, scaleness and darkness will compete, and the first one to reach a critical mass will start swallowing the others, as far as monetary uses are concerned.” – Giacomo Zucco Continuing with the excellent series from Giacomo and Bitcoin Magazine, “Discovering Bitcoin: From Cavemen to the Lightning Network,” we…

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Chat_45 – Bitcoin & an Energy Revolution, A panel at the VOB Conf

We have got a great chat that I have been unable to share until now! What is the present and future of Bitcoin mining and the consumption of energy. Is it a terrible reality that could have huge secondary negative effects, or could it ignite an energy revolution? Join Myself, Christian Stoll, Tone Vays, Christopher…

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Chat_45 – Bitcoin & an Energy Revolution, A panel at the VOB Conf

We have got a great chat that I have been unable to share until now! What is the present and future of Bitcoin mining and the consumption of energy. Is it a terrible reality that could have huge secondary negative effects, or could it ignite an energy revolution? Join Myself, Christian Stoll, Tone Vays, Christopher Bendikson, Jesse Peltan, and Phillip Sandner for an excellent chat!

And stack those sats! Use SwanBitcoin.com/guy to get started with $10 free and start your automatic, sleep like a baby, savings plan now! Don’t be the one who missed out or got stuck starting at charts and ended up with half the Bitcoin trying to outsmart the markets. Save responsibly!

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bitcoinaudible/message

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Read_425 – If You Only Read One Thing Before Buying Bitcoin… [Sylvain Saurel]

“By buying Bitcoin, you are not making a mistake. But if you buy Bitcoin and stop there after your first purchase, you’re making a mistake.” – Sylvain Saurel A great introduction into Bitcoin by Sylvain that hits the most important rules you need to know before opening the door to the rabbit hole. The monetary…

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Chat_44 – 2 Bitcoiners Talking Bitcoin with Citizen Bitcoin

Is there anything more to say? Feeling insanely bullish in a chat with Brady of Citizen Bitcoin and SwanBitcoin fame. Don’t miss a great chat with 2 hardcore Bitcoiners talking Bitcoin. Start your savings plan with swanbitcoin.com/guy – otherwise you are literally dead to me. Tickets for the greatest Bitcoin conference of 2020!  — Send…

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Read_424 – Discovering Bitcoin #2 – About People [Giacomo Zucco]

“it clearly involves moral, political and ethical aspects, like the importance of privacy as a human right.  I will use the term “darkness” to address this attribute.”  – Giacomo Zucco Continuing the series from Giacomo and Bitcoin Magazine on Discovering Bitcoin: From Cavemen to the Lightning Network. An excellent series with Part 2 working into…

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Read_423 – 3 Reasons I’m Investing in Bitcoin [Lyn Alden]

“If a few percentage points of a portfolio are allocated to it, there is a limited risk of loss… On the other hand, it’s not out of the question for Bitcoin to triple, quadruple, or have a potential moonshot price action from current levels” – Lyn Alden An excellent article from investment advisor Lyn Alden…

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Read_422 – Discovering Bitcoin – From Cavemen to Lightning, Part #1 [Giacomo Zucco]

“In order to be useful for this kind of process, a good must possess a good “hardness”: Any unit of said good should not significantly lose its ability to provide utility if stored over some period of time.” – Giacomo Zucco Beginning an excellent introductory series into the ideas behind Bitcoin from the broadest spectrum…

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Chat_43 – Totally Bitcoin & Changing Minds with Keyvan Davani

A long and intense discussion on the vast chasms between the normal view of the world, and that which Bitcoin instills and requires of people. In the age of contradict and finger pointing, there is nothing so disruptive as radical personal responsibility. Don’t miss an awesome chat with Keyvan Davani, host of The Total Bitcoin…

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