Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

Guy’s Take #40 – Double Spends & Wittgenstein’s Money

What the hell is everyone squealing about regarding this “critical flaw” and “confirmed double spend” on the Bitcoin network? Is this another 2013 bug, or a giant nothing burger? Guy dives into it on today’s episode and then gets into the follow-up to Wittgenstein’s Money, the amazing piece by Allen Farrington that we covered in the previous episode on the show. What is value, what is money, & what would it seem like if it did seem like a money was emerging from zero?
Don’t miss today’s Guy’s Take episode! Other great must watch/listen pieces discussed in this episode:
How I made a Toaster from Scratch
I, Pencil

Don’t forget to explore our awesome sponsors and their products at the links below:
BitBox – Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet ( – The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services! (

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Read_488 – Wittgenstein’s Money [Allen]

“What would it seem like if it did seem like a global, digital, sound, open source, programmable money was monetizing from absolute zero?” – Allenf32 Today’s piece is a...

Read_487 – Winning Hearts & Minds for Bitcoin [Andy Edstrom & Peter McCormack]

“In a world in which governments and companies continually encroach on personal liberties via surveillance and outright control, Bitcoin shines like a beacon of freedom.” – Andy Edstrom &...

Read_487 – Winning Hearts & Minds for Bitcoin [Andy Edstrom & Peter McCormack]

“In a world in which governments and companies continually encroach on personal liberties via surveillance and outright control, Bitcoin shines like a beacon of freedom.” – Andy Edstrom & Peter McCormack

The anti-bitcoin narratives are going to flood in and have already started. We need to be ready for it, and that’s why this piece by Andy Edstrom & Peter McCormack is a required listen/read. How do we answer the Fed, how do we respond to the propaganda and the ignorance? Find out in another of Bitcoin Magazine’s incredible recent pieces title, “Winning Hearts & Minds for Bitcoin”
Check out the original at the link below, plus the incredible library of articles dropping every day at the link below:
Mentioned at the beginning of the show is BtcMag’s page dedicated to everything busting the Energy FUD, keep it for quick reference:

Don’t forget to explore our awesome sponsors and their products at the links below:
BitBox – Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet ( – The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services! (
And a final thanks to the amazing Bitcoin Magazine and LTBNetwork. The service these guys are doing for the Bitcoin space is incalculable!

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Read_486 – The Moral Case for Bitcoin [Jimmy Song]

“Fiat money is a positivist money, a tool of governments pursuing a utopian vision. Bitcoin is a Natural Law money, a tool to protect individual liberty. Bitcoin is therefore...

Read_485 – Why Bitcoin Is Not a Ponzi Scheme [Lyn Alden]

“From the begin­ning, Bitcoin has remained an open source and fully trans­parent project, and has the most organic growth trajec­tory of the industry. Given avail­able infor­ma­tion, the market has...

Read_484 – Bitcoin & the Printing Press [Anil]

“As books became more accessible and affordable, individuals were now personally consuming, reflecting upon and critiquing written texts. It was an idea meritocracy. No longer was “truth” conferred solely...

Read_484 – Bitcoin & the Printing Press [Anil]

“As books became more accessible and affordable, individuals were now personally consuming, reflecting upon and critiquing written texts. It was an idea meritocracy. No longer was “truth” conferred solely by the ordained to the illiterate masses inside of churches.” – Anil
The Printing press was a revolution in the spread of information and communication, leading to the Renaissance and the age of Science & Reason. Bitcoin is a revolution in the dissemination & spread of real economic value. It will create a Renaissance that will dwarf that of the printing press.
Check out the original and follow the author at the links below:
A huge thank you to the LTBNetwork for supporting this podcast and sharing it out with their amazing audience! And to Bitcoin Magazine for the incredible work they do in furthering education and new in the Bitcoin space.

Don’t forget to explore our awesome sponsors and their products at the links below:
BitBox – Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet ( – The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services! (

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Chat #55 – Knut Svanholm & Andy Edstrom on Writing, Feedback Loops, & Bitcoin Haters in 2021

An excellent chat today with 2 brilliant, bullish, & amazing writers in the Bitcoin space.  Andy Edstrom, author of “Why Buy Bitcoin,” and Knut Svnaholm of “Sovereignty Through Mathematics”...