Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

CryptoChat_31 – Bitcoin2020 with CK_Snarks!

Today I get hyped with ck_SNARKs of BTCMedia and have the opportunity to pick his brain for all the exciting stuff happening at the Bitcoin2020 conference in San Fran!...

CryptoQuikRead_356 – Bitcoin Cannot be Banned [Parker Lewis]

“By design, Bitcoin exists beyond governments. […] The architecture of bitcoin is practically purpose-built to resist and immunize any attempts by governments to ban it.” – @parkeralewis The next...

CryptoQuikRead_355 – How Decentralization Dies [Brandon Arvanaghi]

“Decentralization has […] been a vessel for achieving a concession from a centralized body it is protesting. Every decentralization play has followed a simple pattern: protest a market inefficiency,...

CryptoQuikRead_354 – Why Proof of Reserves is Important to Bitcoin [Mauricio Di Bartolomeo]

“Bitcoin is a movement founded on individual monetary sovereignty, transparency and peer-to-peer auditability enabled by a breakthrough in technology. […] The technology to provide auditability and transparency for bitcoin...

CryptoChat_30 – Once BITten, down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole with Daniel Prince

I had an awesome time the other day with Daniel Prince on the new Once BITten Podcast. Diving into some of my own personal history with Bitcoin, what led...

CryptoQuikRead_353 – We’re All Default Keynesians Now [Brady Swenson]

“Unless you began your Austrian economic education at birth in some unknown Austrian paradise, on this planet at this particular time in human history, I think we can safely...

CryptoQuikRead_352 – Paying Yourself for Privacy on Lightning? [Aaron Van Wirdum]

“The Lightning Network is best known for its fast and cheap payments. But the Layer 2 protocol could also offer more privacy than on-chain payments […] the developer thinks...

CryptoQuikRead_351 – Bitcoin is Not a Pyramid Scheme [Parker Lewis]

“Not everyone understands what a pyramid scheme actually is, what the warning signs may be, or why such schemes always fail […] The distinctions should be glaringly obvious, but...

CryptoQuikRead_350 – Of Course You Can Own Bitcoins [Bitcoin Rabbi]

Can you really own Bitcoins? Or do you merely have possession of keys that grant a high probability of exclusive control? A fun short read to close out the...