Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

The Bitcoin Reformation – by Tuur Demeester

INTRODUCTION At the end of the 16th century, a rag tag group of rebel intellectuals and entrepreneurs founded a country on some of the least desirable land in Europe—so...

CryptoQuikRead_322 – The World Has Gone Mad… [Ray Dalio]

The World Has Gone Mad, & the System is Broken. Ray Dalio drops a bomb recently with his post showing the sorry state of our money, the cracks in...

CryptoQuikRead_321 – Bitcoin is Not Too Slow [Parker Lewis]

The 5th installment of the always fascinating “Gradually, then Suddenly” series from Parker Lewis and Unchained Capital.  What is the real problem that Bitcoin solves, and how does it...

CryptoQuikRead_320 – The Bitcoin Reformation – Part 2 [Tuur Demeester]

Today we conclude the report from Adamant Capital written by Tuur Demeester on a fascinating parallel between Bitcoin and the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries. A...

CryptoQuikRead_319 – The Bitcoin Reformation – Part 1 [Tuur Demeester]

Today we start our journey through the new report from Adamant Capital written by Tuur Demeester on a fascinating parallel between Bitcoin and the Protestant Reformation of the 16th...

CryptoChat_026 – Bitcoin for Self Defense with Max Hillebrand

Diving down the rabbit hole on the amazing privacy technologies in Bitcoin, what they are, how they can be used, and how it might change our interactions with the...

CryptoQuikRead_318 – Taproot is Coming [Aaron van Wirdum]

One of the many amazing technologies coming to Bitcoin, Taproot is one of the most promising improvements to the privacy, efficiency, & capabilities of the Bitcoin system. Another excellent...

CryptoQuikRead_317 – The Triumvirate of Liquidity [Nik Bhatia]

Today, Nik Bhatia takes us through a compressed history of the Dollar, Us Treasuries, and how we found ourselves in the current global financial mess. What are the safe-haven...

GuysTake_025 – Money, Networks, Blockchains, & Bitcoin

The much deserved Guy’s Take episode as a dedicated follow-up to the amazing work of “The Bitcoin Time Vol 1.” There just wasn’t enough time to do it justice...