Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

CryptoQuikRead_357 – Another Step Towards a P2P Lightning Economy [Roy Sheinfeld]

“If you ask me how much trust is right for the Lightning economy, the answer will always be less.” – Roy Sheinfeld Today we dig into the recently implemented...

CryptoChat_31 – Bitcoin2020 with CK_Snarks!

Today I get hyped with ck_SNARKs of BTCMedia and have the opportunity to pick his brain for all the exciting stuff happening at the Bitcoin2020 conference in San Fran!...

CryptoQuikRead_356 – Bitcoin Cannot be Banned [Parker Lewis]

“By design, Bitcoin exists beyond governments. […] The architecture of bitcoin is practically purpose-built to resist and immunize any attempts by governments to ban it.” – @parkeralewis The next...

CryptoQuikRead_355 – How Decentralization Dies [Brandon Arvanaghi]

“Decentralization has […] been a vessel for achieving a concession from a centralized body it is protesting. Every decentralization play has followed a simple pattern: protest a market inefficiency,...

CryptoQuikRead_354 – Why Proof of Reserves is Important to Bitcoin [Mauricio Di Bartolomeo]

“Bitcoin is a movement founded on individual monetary sovereignty, transparency and peer-to-peer auditability enabled by a breakthrough in technology. […] The technology to provide auditability and transparency for bitcoin...

CryptoChat_30 – Once BITten, down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole with Daniel Prince

I had an awesome time the other day with Daniel Prince on the new Once BITten Podcast. Diving into some of my own personal history with Bitcoin, what led...

CryptoQuikRead_353 – We’re All Default Keynesians Now [Brady Swenson]

“Unless you began your Austrian economic education at birth in some unknown Austrian paradise, on this planet at this particular time in human history, I think we can safely...

CryptoQuikRead_352 – Paying Yourself for Privacy on Lightning? [Aaron Van Wirdum]

“The Lightning Network is best known for its fast and cheap payments. But the Layer 2 protocol could also offer more privacy than on-chain payments […] the developer thinks...

CryptoQuikRead_351 – Bitcoin is Not a Pyramid Scheme [Parker Lewis]

“Not everyone understands what a pyramid scheme actually is, what the warning signs may be, or why such schemes always fail […] The distinctions should be glaringly obvious, but...