Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

CryptoQuikRead_365 – Ten Million Bitcoiners, The Intransigent Minority [Cory Klippsten]

“Not too many years from now, the number of Bitcoiners in the United States of America will cross ten million.  When we hit that milestone, it’s game over: Bitcoin...

CryptoQuikRead_364 – Bitcoin, The Technology of Dissent [Nozomi Hayase]

“We, Bitcoiners, are all dissidents in the Old World of trusted third parties. […] Laws of nature that are higher than man-made laws, being enforced by mathematics, have begun...

CryptoQuikRead_363 – Bitcoin is Not for Criminals [Parker Lewis]

“Bitcoin can’t be a little bit censorship resistant in the same way that you can’t be a little bit pregnant.” – Parker Lewis. Continuing the Gradually then Suddenly series...

GuysTake_027 – Corona Virus… Bitcoin Fixes This

1 • Why has the Corona Virus been upgraded from a significant healthcare problem, to a global economic catastrophe? 2 • What would be Guy’s strategy as a Destroyer...

CryptoQuikRead_362 – How Lightning Can Improve Encrypted Messaging [Colin Harper]

“devising a scheme that handles both messaging and payments under one roof could be a killer app” – Colin Harper As part of Bitcoin Magazine’s excellent set of articles...

CryptoQuikRead_361 – Bitcoin’s Habitats [DerGigi]

“To fully understand any organism, we must not only look at the organism itself, but examine the organism-environment holistically.” – Gigi If Bitcoin is a new organism, then where...

CryptoQuikRead_360 – Distrust in Lebanese Banks Spurs Bitcoin Boom [Timour Azhari]

“A volatile currency for volatile times” – Timour Azhari When the banks become the volatile alternative, when your rights and control over what’s in “your” bank account are a...

CryptoQuikRead_359 – Microsoft’s ION Bets on Bitcoin [Colin Harper]

Microsoft has a history of funding and developing with open source systems, and has started a new project called ION, trying to make a universal, decentralized system secured by...

CryptoQuikRead_358 – The Blockchain is Exhaust [Udi Wertheimer]

Is the blockchain a critical tool that creates the power behind Bitcoin, or is it a wasteful and unavoidable byproduct, an exhaust, of the system that secures the most...